How does cold medicine work?

Ah, it’s that time of the year again when being sick has become a fashion statement. You thought getting chills and fever was bad enough, but then you hear sneezes from all around you. Boom! You’ve caught the virus too. Now what? Well, fortunately for us living in 21st century dystopia – cold medicine exists.

But have you ever wondered how does this magical pill work its magic? No? Too bad because today we are going to discuss just that- so buckle up your belts fellas!


Common colds are caused by different types of viruses such as rhinovirus and coronavirus which affect our respiratory system making our nose stuffed and throat sore making us feel yuck(you can’t deny that)!

The most common symptoms include nasal congestion, coughing, headache,sinus pressure,fatigue,and sore throats.Phyicians will often prescribe medication known as antihistamines or decongestants to get rid these discomforts.

So without further ado let’s dive right into how do these tiny little pills combat cold like a superhero.



Our body naturally produces histamine which is responsible for allergic reactions.Histamie makes blood vessels expand during inflammation causing redness and swelling in affected areas .The increase in fluid build-up can lead to excess mucus formation causing runny nose,breathing difficulties etc.

So what exactly is antihistamine?

Anti + Histamine = ??

No no no not ANTIPHISTAMINE (face palm). Okay nevermind let me explain more.Traditionally defined,it means chemical compound blocking histarnineby competing with it’s binding receptor type H1on target cells.With continued use,the drug assists in lowering inflammation leadingto fewer mucus secretions thus fightingthat nagging headcold of yours.

Antihistamines are highly recommended in treating allergic colds.which is why you should always read labels before buying any medication.

Different antihistamines

There are two main types of antihistamines -first and second generation.You know how technology keeps upgrading? Yeah well first goes to second; same happened with our antihistamine generations. Second generation has had quite the performance boost,comparedto ‘ol firstie.

First Generation

First-generation anti-iі ista mines weakly bind H1receptors inducing sleep among consumers over drowsiness during daytime activities.

List time anyone?
– Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-tripolon)
– Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
– Cetirizine (As fate would have it,Zyrtec)and Fexofenadine(Allegra ) also make into this category

Primarily designed for occasional use ,long term usage may even lead to addiction as these medications release dopamine giving consumers a feeling of euphoria and bonding!

So ladies and gentlemen welcome First-gen : History but at what cost?

IMPORTANT Disclaimer: We do not support drug-abuse by any means so please set your limits accordingly( pheww that was important). Can we talk about super cool second gens now,pweaaaase!

Second Generation

Second-gensare known to provide longer relief durations without sedative effects caused by previous counterparts(raise your cup if benadryl made you yawn every five seconds!)

Making millions happy out there let’s go ahead add namey-names:
– Loratidine(None other than Claritin itself ya’ll),
Fexofenadrin(Again into both categories),
– Levoceterizin(e.g., Xyzal,don’t mess with him)

Larger variety comes with long-term storage without spoilage;which is good considering the fact suggests a lifespan about 4-5 years.Find out expiry dates fellas!

Dosage considerations

Important!Critical! It’s not Just Eating Candy(Gulping down medicines we mean).

Dosages need to be followed precisely .

Many OTC products exist in liquid,tablet form –and online.People tend to double the recommended dose if theircold isn’t leaving them alone.We urge you notto follow this lead as it may lead to adverse side effects and even more delayshifting cure times.

For example:Though Benadryls usual dosage prescribes one tablet every four-six hours (”one” being important here) doubling up might knock you right off your feet(lethal levels of antihistamines cause hallucinations,Srsly!).

So stop counting your pillows,clean up any unwanted fluids(Let’s keep things G rated),stick to prescribed drug amounts and call us tomorrow.


What are decongestants?

Decongestants actby shrinking blood vessels present inflamed nasal cavity allowing easier breathing (stuff behind nose thus easy breathingsounds reasonable now eh?).This makes it easier for mucus tо move аnԁ drain into оur throat meaning less coughing,sneezing аnd secretion.Comparedto first generation of anti histamines(debatedabove), these drugs tend topеrk uptempowithin minutes offering relief much sooner.

The following list gives an insight ontype medication that fafit this category:
– Pseudoephedrine(Sudafed)n
– Phenylephrine(fancy name ? Try
– Oxymetazoline(()

Although oral ingestion remains prominent, topical administration via sprayis also available.

Pros and cons of Decongestants


Decongestants, as already mentioned have much faster relief times.As previously discussed they make breathing easier,moving mucus from the nasal cavity to throat.Also,you can experience other benefits which include :
– Reducing Swelling: Since decongestants shrink blood vessels ,they would consequently reduce swelling too.Isn’t that an added bonus for your thirsty eyes there?
– Difficulties in Breathing during Sleep :This symptom is common among colds patients.Good news,beside dormir,sleep aid medications use active content commonly found in decongestants too.


For every pro we ought balance it with a con .

One possible side effect associated with taking certain types of oral decongestant meds includes dry mouth.Sleeplessness is also known to affect larger portions of consumers relative .Additionally addiction is another factor not tend to be overlooked.Doctors suggest-using them only over a period lasting several days (generally speaking 3-7).

Bottom line,take wisely!


Cold are no fun folks,but when carefully selected antihistamines & decongeatnants used accordingly mood may rise,and sneezing,wheezing,interrupted sleep could be things completely eliminated.

We hope you enjoyed our little trip decoding drug secrets on this journey! And REMEMBER TO FOLLOW DOCTOR’S ORDERS.

Achoooooo sniff … Did someone say something?

Good Bye Fellow Humans

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