How do you put on a colostomy bag?

Listen up folks, it’s time for us to master the art of putting on a colostomy bag! This may seem like a daunting task, but don’t you worry. Once we’re done here, you’ll be ready to take on anything that comes your way!

What is a Colostomy Bag?

Before we start with the actual procedure, let’s get some basics out of the way. A colostomy bag is essentially a medical device which collects waste from our digestive system when part of it has been surgically rerouted through an opening in our abdominal wall called stoma.

Now that we have got that crispy information out of the way let’s dive into how you put these bad boys on!

Items You Need To Have At Hand

To begin this process and make sure it runs smoothly without any inconvenient hiccups along the road; there are specific items needed at hand:

  • A well-cleaned pouching system
  • Skin prep wipes or spray
  • Scissors (without point tips)
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Additional barrier rings or paste if required.

Now hold onto these tightly as they will come handy while getting started.

Preparing Your Skin For The Colostomy Bag

First things first: Before starting any medical procedure such as applying your colostomy bag – make sure your hands are clean! Don’t wanna add unwanted germs now do we? Enough said about germs – back to our talk…it’s important to prepare your skin for attaching the colostomy bag properly:

  1. Cleanse and dry around where previous adhesive contact was using soapy water
  2. Now use skin-prep wipe/spraybefore attaching anything over, else say hello-to-skin irritation!
  3. Ensure complete drying before going ahead with next steps

Great! Our skin is all prepped and waiting for the bag. You don’t want it falling off just as you get up to dance so ensure your skin is prepped correctly.

Measuring Your Stoma

Each body has its unique attributes, therefore every colostomy setup will vary from one person to another. Now we’re going to measure the stoma:

  1. Using a measuring tape or ruler, measure around the area of your stoma (We know some of us like joking about our waistlines but here’s where reality hits real hard)
  2. Leave two-thirds inch or half an inch space between stoma and measure cut-out in order to have enough space cleaning purposes.
  3. Draw the measurement on the backside of pouching system

There you go; now that we know how much diameter would be required let’s move ahead.

Prep The Cutting Area & Cut Out The Hole

Once done with above measurements comes marking lines around anticipated cut out areas by drawing lines using a black marker along with cutting guides included – this is important since it helps avoid overlap uncertain results during next stages.

Start with preparing cutting area via following below steps:

  1. Detach template/go#uage from urinary plunger
  2. Apply guideline over top opening at front end near tailstring corner facing downward inside matching curves precut edge

For starting actual cutting through template,

  • Use scissors without point tips adhered closely beside marked lines in circular motion
  • Don´t hesitate while doing so! One swift action is better than slow excruciating actions meant for drama!

Finally choose no more than 15% smaller when comparative size found between skin barrier towards pot anterior side

It might seem overwhelming at first sight but once properly done hats-off people!!!

Stickiness Time: Applying Skin Barrier And Attaching Colostomy Bag

The fun part begins now – attaching bags! But wait… there’s preparation involved first. Apply skin barrier paste or rings using following steps:

  1. Cut down the measurement from last section as accurately specified
  2. Smooth out and press firmly over stoma while patting circles using fingertips for checking proper adherence onto skin.
  3. Peel bottom layer over halfway back adhesive to prepare dried adhesive side of new waste collecting bag
    4.Roll it like a scroll except with no gap leading edge – a continuous stretch/pull would give best results

A few additional tips – avoid whipping out your slap-stick jokes in front of sensitive ones, be patient when removing backing strips since haste could ruin things.

Phew! Now we got that part covered let’s get going to actual attaching bags bit.

Attach convenience drain bag’s tails into each end after sorting them appropriately; fasten securely so they all align properly under conv#enece controls reducing leakage

Now finally attach donut shaped flange directly at the opening, peeling off half the non-adhesive protective liner before connecting their circular edges to assure tight grip immidiately__

So essentially what we’re sayong is attach this amazing pouch/bag-like thingy!

Post-Attachment PSA: Cleaning & Maintenance

Congratulations guys you’ve made it through but wait there’s some maintenance involved yet-

You wouldn’t want scratches or redness appearing around your stoma right – tending towards hygiene matters large make sure post-care involves washing in warm (not hot) water ; remember soap shouldn´t used rubbing wooden sticks together helps aid removal pasting adhesives nicely_

Aside from our weird metaphorical example just know gentle techniques go great always.



There you go, folks! Congratulations on mastering the art of putting on a colostomy bag like it’s nobody’s busin#ess!!!_ While this may seem daunting at first it’s an important part of many people’s self-care routines.

With all that said and done, remember to always follow the steps as correctly possible and avoid performing surgeries in lasagna parties with friends!

Until next time stay safe ladies & gents!

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