How do you know when a puppy is sick?

If you’re a new pup parent, it can be tough to tell whether your furball is feeling under the weather. Unlike human babies who cry and wail when they are not feeling well, dogs cannot communicate their symptoms easily. Therefore, it’s necessary to observe their behavior closely to determine if something is wrong with them.

To put things in perspective, even the most energetic and lively pups fall ill at some point or another. That’s why it’s good for us as pet owners to have an idea of what signs we should watch out for so that we can take action early enough before the situation worsens.

The Signs You Need To Watch Out For

1. Changes In Energy Level

Every dog comes at ease with its energy level; some are laid-back while others are high-spirited – this is part of what makes them unique creatures. However, taking note of when they appear lethargic or disinterested suddenly could indicate an underlying health problem.

  1. Lack Of Appetite
    Even though most puppies will refuse food any time other than supper time (Personally speaking, I completely understand) consistently refusing meals can be warning sign their tummy isn’t up-to-date.

  2. Diarrhea
    Om my Dog! When you notice that your pooch has loose stools morethan once after enjoying his regular daily routine meal chase- there may be trouble brewing in paradise

Here comes lunch again!

5.Coughing / Sneezing/ Breath Issues
Take care here Germy – Your hooman needs proper space if cough sets in.Mebe you should take a breather sitting somewhere far

6.Irregularity during B.M.S ( bowel movements)
Things don’t seem too hot down below? Unease while excreting then consider asking Doc about things going on down there.

  1. Unusual discharge, rashes or skin irritations
    I know the urge to scratch when irritated is pretty high- but keep a close “eye” for anything that might seem out of the ordinary

  2. Observable pain or discomfort
    Growling or snapping at you can happen even on good days we happy-go-lucky pups need attention sometimes too! Keep an eye peeled if your fur baby behaves diffrently over prolonged time periods

What Could Be The Cause of These Signs?

After reading through those symptoms, I bet you’re thinking about some horrifying possibilities; can it be what?! Well worry no more:

  1. Parasites and Infections
    Certain parasites like hookworms and roundworms can cause severe diarrhea and fatigue among other symptoms in dogs.

  2. Allergic reactions:
    Food allergies are also widespread amongst puppies – Look Mom I’m allergic to chicken!

3.Bacterial infections :
Bacteria responsible for respiratory illnesses such as canine infectious tracheobronchitis aka kennel cough could bring about coughing issue among many others

4.Ingestion Of Toxins:
There’s usually one vacuum cleaner dog in every household – this pup tends to eat everything he finds including chocolate which is poisonous!

5.Poisonous products/ Bad food quality :
Human foods can harm pets too.Common signs include GI problems (constipation). Next time try not to give pup leftovers from chinese…no?

When You Should Call The Vet

If all these sound like information overload, Don’t panic just yet; Here’s how things roll!!

First of all,don’t be alarmed by any changes in behavior right away! It may simply indicate a temporary upset stomach or routine irritation caught earlier.Doggy issues have swift healing abilities If taken captive timely.Now follow along :

Step One(Disclaimer alert!)

Always avoid self-diagnosis and treatment AT ALL COSTS. The internet is full of information – accurate and not so right ones, that might end up making things worse for your little buddy.

Step Two: Call A Professional!

It’s important to call the vet (maybe exception in cases where puppy ate few pieces of tissues napkins) – a veterinarian’s advice will provide more tailored guidance on what exactly to observe.If you are wondering whether to book an appointment may help here:

  • Diarrhea or loose stool issues lasting over 24hours
  • Your dog vomits even when he hasn’t hurriedly swallowed something.
  • Breathing difficulties resembling choking episodes discharge from nostrils
    You’re wise if pup seems uncomfortable due to gas firmanetaton-like belly gurgles!

How Can You Prevent Sickness In Puppies?

Prevention is key at all times,you just can never be too careful with pets.Here are some tips on how to keep man’s best friend fit as a fiddle;

1.Regular Check-Ups:
Regular visits,vaccinations,maintaining hygiene in pets.You don’t want your companion falling ill while you could have prevented it by routine checks

2.Hygiene :
Maintaining good hygiene standards like washing bowl often,surfaces they get around,cleaning ears regularly

3.Engaging Them :
Healthy activeness like playing fetch,dog related sports,or other behaviors that encourage active movement promotes physical agility,and mind sharpness..

4.Balanced Diet / Safe Environment :
Just like humans , dogs need a balanced diet inclusive of quality ingredients Free of artificial preservatives. Also,it goes without saying but we expect pet owners know their living space well enough.Child-proofing homes should also apply with dogs,know the environment !

5.Closely Monitoring Behavior :
Knowing your fur baby behavior unique nuances becomes easier with time.Management practices ensue 🙂

Good luck adapting these strategies everyone! Remember prevention NEEDS LESS stress than cure.     Cheers all puppy-parents!

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