How do u get parvo?

You know that silly moment where you see your furry friend staring at a squirrel like his life depends on it? Well, what do you think would happen if he caught one? No, I don’t mean playing fetch with it. The likelihood is he might catch some diseases and before you know it, your doggo will be feeling pawly. One of these ailments is Parvovirus or Parvo for short. Parvo can be a serious condition and as responsible owners we should take care in ensuring our pets are vaccinated against this potential killer.

What is Parvo?

Let’s start with basics: what actually is Parvovirus or just ‘parvo’ to us lazy humans? Parvovirus refers to multiple strains of the virus that infect dogs (though there are human strains too). This virus attacks rapidly dividing cells such as those found in the gastrointestinal tract- causing vomiting and diarrhea. It also affects bone marrow – which adversely impacts immunity making them more vulnerable to secondary infection caused by bacteria/shedding particles present within their stool.

Can Humans Get Infected With Parvovirus from Dogs?

No need to panic about catching anything off Fido – Parvovirus cannot be transmitted between different species so humans aren’t susceptible infections through cuddling cute pups! However, good hygiene practice when dealing with an infected patient helps reduce spreading any possible infectious agents/pathogens.


So how exactly does our four-legged friends catch this disease? Unfortunately Parvo can linger anywhere for long periods even when there isn’t a clear presence of canine activities taking place . From fields and grassy areas used frequently by dogs (nature calls!)to grooming salons sharing equipment between animals accidentally without prior sanitization etc., transmission both direct contact or indirect touch become unavoidable situations

Nothing creates better paranoia amongst pet owners like the thought that their doggo could get infected from an unknown source. Parvovirus can survive in any environment for months on end, even if there’s been little to no animal activity within said time frame. So what activities are tricky? We’ve got a rundown:


The cumbersome name fomite actually refers to anything tangible that has come into contact with an infected animal – this covers everything from water/feed bowls and grooming tools through to clothing and other porous household items.

| Object | Number of Hours/ days of survival |
————- |:————-:|
| Water bowl | 2 Days |
| Dog poop | Up To Six Months |
| Clothes | 24 Hours |


Given these disturbing figures we need to be vigilant about washing hand thoroughly after touching our own dogs as well as sanitizing any shared community spaces where dogs maybe congregating.

Dogs’ toys or bed

You may think your dog’s favourite toy is indestructible but it too can lead them down the path towards contracting parvo without proper cleaning, which puts the furry rascal at increased risk when playing or sleeping around communal pups! Damn you, stuffed unicorn!


As I mentioned earlier,Parvo affects rapidly dividing cells such as those found in intestinal linings leading to vomiting/diarrhea while suppressing bone marrow. The lymphatic system gets affected by infection causing extreme lethargy due its tender/swoolen state (hence they don’t want normal play/pet) while severe dehydration occurs inducing loss in appetite/aggressive behavior.
So how do we human beings know whether our pets are struggling with this illness? Remember this phrase: ‘Sick As A Dog!’ because it all falls under :

S- silent suffering
I-invading organism-virus
C-common sickness symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration)
K-kills without intervention
A- abdominal pain
S – Sluggishness,
A – Anorexia-
D- death


Veterinarians upon suspicion of it run a couple of procedures including stool antigen tests to confirm presence/absence. Parvo can begin showing in as short time within five days or as long up to fourteen basically depending on the level of exposure.

Prevention is key

If you’re thinking like me then surely the thought that adopting these pesky habits could prevent Parvo stressing us out means we are more inclined to advocate for them? The good news is that your wish has come true; prevention invariably leads to longer-term protection against this dreaded agent. Because there’s no cure, prompt vaccination helps prevent affliction which also increases survival rates from any potential outbreak sources!


Your loyal furry friend’s best weapon against Parvovirus lies in ensuring vaccinations have been administered as per schedule by licensed Vet professionals; typically puppies get three rounds ranging between 6-16 weeks . This ensures they are well-equipped with immunoprotective antigens when trying not catching parvo keep a non-vaccinated pet indoors if at risk such areas aren’t safeguarded yet().


Given how flexible this virus might choose whether sticking around your life or not, one sure way is maintaining high standards hygiene! Dog properties should be cleaned daily esp where population denser/larger communities exist () sanitize any communal baskets/bowls/&co…..while remembering yourself/household members washing hands thoroughly.

Ultimately, our pets depend on us humans who love them such that we help protect them from contracting diseases-PARVO included.Throughout all our hilarious discussions & explanations, jokes aside(parvo is serious),daily routine practices such as proper sanitation,good food habits,keeping them bathed/groomed regularly will mitigate most risks -along with keeping an eye open for any of tell-tale symptoms like vomiting/diarrhea . Parvo can be highly contagious but more importantly preventable so don’t make it a challenge we all come to regret. Let’s keep our furry friends happy and healthy!

check the update of recent animal activity before using that area

Also consider how long before it is deemed safe.

() this refers to having less exposure to unknown carriers until vaccinated.

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