How do u get dry skin off your feet?

Do you have feet that look dryer than grandma’s cookies? Is your skin so dry it could be considered a desert wasteland? Fear not, my friend! We’ve got some tips and tricks to help you kick those crusty feet to the curb!

Why Do Our Feet Crust Up?

Before we get into how we can fix this unfortunate situation, it’s important to understand why our feet become ashy in the first place. There are several causes for dry skin on our feet, including:

  • Genetics – Some people are more prone to having naturally drier skin.
  • Age – As we get older, our skin produces less oil causing it to become even more parched.
  • Climate – Living in areas with low humidity can suck out all the moisture leaving you high and literally dry!
  • Soap – No need to make jokes here. Using harsh soaps or shower gels that stay behind in any part of your body will lead to very irritable conditions after some time without immediate treatment.

Whether one or all of these factors come into play for you personally isn’t necessarily significant because at the end of the day Fido doesn’t care HOW bad your foot odor is when he jumps up.

So without further ado (or stinky paws), let’s dive into just how exactly we tackle cracking down on those cracked heels!

Ten Tips and Tricks To Put Your Best Foot Forward

  1. Adios Dead Skin Cells
    Dead skin cells accumulating is often a cause contributing significantly towards drier-feeling feet issues.It sounds quite unsavory but don’t worry I’ve seen worse… It’s vital then,that they’re removed regularly from your tip toes.So why wait-the best way indeed,is getting rid completely.You should begin by scrubbing using natural exfoliates containing ingredients like honey,sugar or oats (or a combination of all three).

Don’t be too aggressive with the scrubbing or you could end up injuring yourself leading to more trouble down the road!Gently apply it in circular motions so that a sufficient amount is removed but it doesn’t harm your feet. Keep doing this at least once a week for best results.

  1. Water Cure
    As counterintuitive as it sounds putting your feet soaked entirely in water is actually very beneficial, just like how fruits thrive when they get regular and ample watering. Fill one bucket of warm water and pour coconut oil into it.When I say “pour” don’t go overboard –a half cup would suffice.Seeing those bubbles already? Yep,you guessed right- time to soak’em.

20 minutes should do it.Take note however only use plain water because anything else will eventually cause damage.Leaving them hydrated corrects dryness problems huge along with softening any hard skin on toes & ankles .

  1. Lotion-up!
    This one may seem obvious but using thick moisturizing lotion regularly can really help combat dry skin on your feet.Extra tip:Try adding some oils such as olive or tea tree oil.These natural ingredients have anti-fungal properties which come in handy against bad foot odor.Lather up each night before bed then put on socks.Throwback 80s comedy movies are optional^^

4.Tea Steps
Tea has been used by humans mainly for sipping.However,some teas have healing properties.Our focus-for now-is green tea.This type particularly contains antioxidants delivering nature’s moisture.We’re going to make an oh-so-classy blend here-by combining six tea bags with two pints of boiling H20.It provides quick relief treating inflamed,itchy,swollen conditions while providing relaxation for tired toesies.Just allow soak/gradation from lukewarm until cold!

5.Oatmeal Immersion
If which is by adding it to a warm bath! This can really help moisturize and smooth out those dry patches on your feet. Simple enough,right? half-cup of plain oats in lukewarm water should do the trick.

Soak for around 20-30 minutes then you can soak in all that healthy goodness.Then rinse with cool tap water. Better yet, use a tub filter/depositor!

6.Baking soda relief
For those who are prone to foot odour this one particularly comes in handy.Baking soda famously absorbs moisture helping it slow down fungus growths.Its also great at neutralizing nasty smells making an ideal fluffy agent.Dip your paws/feet for about thirty mins into hot water with two tablespoons baking soda.Remember,the hotter we go here, the more helpful the soak will be.

7.Treat Yoself Foot Spa
Why not treat yourself to soaking treats every once in awhile,haha.Get your best winter socks and slippers for protection.Doing a little prep work before & using bubbles created from low-cost Epsom salts make all the difference.Why espinage tea works so well especially.Other ingredients such as lemon juice,lavender oil or crushed herbs provide added scent therapy too.Not forgetting wine,isn’t everything better after an elegant glass eh?

8.Foot File For The Win!
A foot file seems like a simplistic tool but honestly its one of the most useful thats readily available.Once skin has been softened either physically or through wetting apply gentle pressure onto hard areas,rubbing repeatedly.This way any unwanted scaly buildups can find their exit.Choose higher quality files rather than cheaper ones;theyre longer-lasting , providing smoother abrasives against skin.

9.Show Your Socks More Love
Socks provide insulation against cold environments.In addition they offer further mechanical aid preventing rough friction between footwear and feet.Put them on when required but ensure first that they are clean and proper hygiene-wise.Proper fitting socks will prolong the life of feet’s softness -providing further protection against any currents towards harsh elements.

10.Time for Some Yoga
And no you don’t have to be a yogi master, just learn dead man’s pose.Through this specific move one’s legs are lifted up high via employing a wall. This focuses on helping the body de-stress, distributing blood flow evenly throughout your entire lower half including our ol’ friend’s barky paws.This means better moisture dispensation amongst settling swelling (if any).


There you have it! Ten tips and tricks to keep your feet feeling smooth as silk even during the driest of winters. From soaking in oatmeal baths to doing yoga poses against walls, there really is something for everyone when it comes to taking care of our stinky friends.
Just remember: taking good care is important not only because aesthetically-pleasing appearance wise but also because stress relief,self-maintenance practice leads towards longer-run health go ahead show ‘em some love…and most importantly-humor:D

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