How do i lower my platelet count?

Are you concerned about having a high platelet count? Are you wondering how to lower it? Well, look no further! We’ve got some tips for you that are sure to do the trick. But first, let’s delve into what exactly platelets are and why they’re so important.

What Are Platelets?

Platelets are tiny blood cells that are responsible for clotting our blood when we get injured. They adhere together and form a plug at the site of injury, which stops us from bleeding excessively. Without platelets, we would be in serious trouble if we even had a minor scrape.

When Can High Platelet Counts Be Concerning?

While there is nothing wrong with having normal or slightly elevated levels of platelets within your system (which typically falls between 150k-450k/uL), excessive amounts could indicate an underlying problem such as thrombocytosis or bone marrow disorders. It’s essential to keep an eye on these levels by visiting your physician regularly even though most people prefer not going.

What Causes A High Platelet Count?

A high level of platelets may result from different conditions vary depending on genetics or underlying medical issues such as:

  • Iron-deficiency Anemia
  • Cancer
  • Infections
  • Chronic inflammation

It’s always best to seek professional advice before rushing off into self-diagnosis because similar symptoms exist across various medical problems.

So How Do You Reduce Your Platelet Count?

Changing lifestyles can goa long way in helping alleviate the condition provided they were carefully selected in conjunction with professional help (emphasis added); here’s how:

Stop Using Tobacco

If you’re using tobacco products like cigarettes,/vapes/snus/dip try quitting them ASAP—as this habit creates unnecessary stress not just on lungs but also increases risks of developing abnormal blood flow that can inflate your platelet count.

Incorporate Foods That Have High Salicylia Content

Salicylic acid is found in several foods, and it’s an essential component known to inhibit platelets from sticking together. Various over-the-counter medications that seem harmless like aspirin also incorporate salicylic acid as the active ingredient for blood thinning effect. Below are some fruits with high salicylic acid contents:

Fruits Salicylate content (mg/100g)
Dates 105
Oranges 44
Raisins 43

Note, while we encourage consumption of these fruits it’s strongly recommended to seek professional advice on other necessary precautions based on health conditions.

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in physical activities such as walking, jogging or weight lifting keeps you healthy venturing out of sedentary lifestyle reduces fat build-up thus increasing vascular efficiency leading to a lower chance of recurrent stroke by keeping cholesterol levels low helping reduce risks posed by thrombosis or growths like tumors.

Take H2 Antagonists

H2-antihistamines have been shown to be useful in treating essential thrombocytosis; they prevent histamine release and thus act on megakaryocytes’ sensitivity reducing how much they produce more there decreasing levels organically. Examples include cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine(Pepcid).

Concluding Thoughts

Overall seeking strategic health decisions through consultations with medical professionals alongside incorporating our tips into lifestyles should aid naturally taking actions towards lowering platelets retaining good health naturally (emphasis added)—give them a go —you might just thank us down the line.

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