How do i know if i broke my collarbone?

Have you recently gone through a nasty tumble or fall? Do not rejoice just yet as the possibility of having fractured or broken bones still haunts you! A common one to be wary of is the collarbone (also known scientifically as the clavicle). The collarbone connects your shoulder blade to your sternum, and it’s an essential bone for performing most arm movements. Breaking this bone may affect your daily life routine; hence it’s important to learn more about its symptoms, causes, and how it can be treated.

What Causes Clavicle Fracture?

Fractured collarbones are mostly caused by direct trauma or pressure on one side of the body. This usually happens while playing contact sports like basketball, football or hockey, resulting in a hard fall that leads to a sudden force being applied onto your arms — which may then end up fracturing your collorbone. On rare occasions, babies born with a particular congenital condition might have weak clavicles that break easily when held/lifted inappropriately.

Symptoms and Signs

The pain from breaking the clavicle is often felt at the front part of where this bone attaches itself to sterum/breastbone OR behind where it links top ribcage/bone Scapula / Shoulder Blade
In extreme cases there could even be displacement of fragments of colllarbone. This can result in distorting normal shape near point of fracture -causing possible ‘bump’ or visible deformity around affected area

Other physical signs include:

  • Swelling: A noticeable change in size over time indicating inflammation associated with damage done.
  • Bruising: Some individuals experience discoloration under skin due bleeding which has occurred after injury .
  • Skin Contusion : In some badly hit patients ,tenderness in skin around collarbone could show
  • Stiffness: Collarbone fracture may also cause stiffness in shoulder or other parts of arm -especially when attempting to raise arm overhead

Diagnosing Clavicle Fracture

Doctors diagnose clavicle fractures through a physical examination based on your symptoms and any signs mentioned above. An X-ray can be used to confirm the diagnosis; it is done through radiographic imaging that reveals detailed images of the broken bone.

Patients suffering from serious injuries such as trauma to their head, neck, chest, back should undergo further examinations and medical processes for proper management of their body function. These procedures are aimed at ensuring there are no life-threatening complications present.

Treatment Options for Collarbone Fracture

Depending on how severely you’ve fractured your collarbone different treatment options may be recommended by your doctor.

Non-Surgical Treatment

This type of treatment is most times utilized if there’s just an incomplete break/fracture (also known as Greenstick fracture) where bones near affected area have not moved out of place)

Non-surgical treatments include:

  • Arm support / Immobilization :An arm sling or brace might be necessary till completion point of healing process ,however…
  • Pain relief medication Prescription Advancing pain will usually require medication administered under supervision of a professional practitioner ,
    which may include acetaminophen(Tylenol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs), etc.
  • Physical Therapy which includes gentle exercises meant to restore range motion stretching techniques .These help speed up resumption daily activity while serving as form rehabiliation after full recovery has taken place

Most patients with crack(s) in collorbone are able put go about task with ease within 3 months..

Surgical Interventions

More severe cases that expose complete/partial breakage would require surgical intervention depending on various factors including age severity injury extent fragment displacement certain occupation physical activities

Surgical treatments include:

  • Open Reduction: A form of surgery where the broken bone is realigned and reattached using a surgical implant (metal plate or screws).
  • Percutaneous reduction: Medical experts are also trying to develop new technologies that can be used in stabilizing affected collarbones. One such technology is minimally invasive surgery which helps surgeons create less scarring while still fixing patients’ problems thoroughly.


A collarbone fracture can seriously disrupt daily routine not to mention cause extreme pain.! It’s important for patients who believe they have clavicle fractures to see an emergency medical professional as quickly as feasible.
The specifics of treatment given may vary depending on individual scenarios, including age, extent damage , health status etc – collaboration with specialists should help get you back up running soon enough..

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