How do i get valtrex?

Are you itching for some Valtrex? Don’t be ashamed, we’ve all been there. Whether it’s for cold sores, genital herpes or shingles (yikes), this antiviral medication can help treat the outbreak and prevent future ones from happening. But where do you get your hands on some?

Well fret not, my friend! In this article, we’re going to give you the lowdown on how to score yourself some Valtrex, with a little bit of humor thrown in for good measure.

See a Doctor

First things first: before obtaining any prescription drug such as Valtrex, it is best practice to consult with a doctor or healthcare provider who can properly diagnose your condition and recommend the appropriate course of treatment.

Now I know what you’re thinking – “But Doc McStuffins charges an arm and leg!” Fear not dear reader – if paying out-of-pocket is too pricy, consider checking if your insurance covers telemedicine visits through apps like Hims or HeyDoctor. Or just come down with something fiercely contagious that requires immediate attention- no time like pandemic-time!

Get Your Symptoms Checked Out

When seeing a doctor, be sure to have any symptoms checked out thoroughly. The medical professional will take into account aspects such as:

  • Type of virus
  • Outbreak severity
  • Any potential allergies (please spare us one more statistic about someone being allergic to penicillin)

This conversation should only take around 5 minutes… ’cause let’s face it; they’ve got other patients waiting.

Be sure to mention honestly all current status updates pertaining HPV infection – make the “triage” nurse wish she’d called out today 😉

It’s also worth noting that self-diagnosis isn’t always accurate (sorry WebMD). So consult with somebody who actually went threw med school and knows what they’re talking about.

Consider Valtrex Alternatives

Now I know, like we all kinda do… “famous brand names” have a certain ring to them. But hey! It’s always good to weigh your options (pun totally intended). There are other antivirals available on the market that may also be effective in treating herpes outbreaks (Acyclovir or famciclovir for example).

Either way – all three will sound so cool when you go into an explanation in front of friends as if double-caffeinated at Starbucks.

Seriously though; be well-informed on any alternatives & choose something that works for YOU.

Get a Prescription

Assuming your healthcare provider recommends Valtrex, congratulations! You are now eligible to get yourself prescription. This can typically be done by filling out the medication request form online or at the doctor’s office.

It is important however, upon popping it open from its foil eggshell, that you follow dosage instructions carefully in accordance with any additional guidance received from provider .

Additionally, consider ordering pill cutters online and building up hand-steadiness because ‘halvesies’ don’t come pre-broken !

Insurance Coverage

Insurance does not believe everyone deserves life-saving treatment regardless of affordability? Who knew!

Coverage varies between plans and providers so insurance certification should always kept checked for essential coverage/ copay details.

If uninsured – wondering how anyone could afford being alive right now tbh- resources such as GoodRx app might be helpful.


Obtaining Valtrex can sometimes feel daunting but rest assured my friend it isn’t rocket science! With abit ov elbow greasen i’m sure ya’ll make it through just fine 😉

Your Virtual Bestie

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