How can iud move?

Ah, the elusive intrauterine device (IUD). It has been a reliable choice of contraception for years, keeping people protected against pregnancy with no fuss. However, whether you’re using one right now or just getting ready to have it inserted, you might be wondering: how can an IUD move? Here’s what we know.

What is an IUD?

First things first- if you don’t know what this contraption is all about and why so many people swear by it as their go-to birth control method then let me explain! An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small T-shaped gadget made out of plastic or copper that gets placed in your uterus by your doctor during an office visit. Once installed properly, it provides long-term contraceptive benefits without any day to day effort on the part of the user.

The Importance of Proper Placement

It’s important to note that placement matters when answering this question, so let’s break it down:

  • A correctly placed IUD should stay put within your womb until removed.
  • An incorrectly placed IUD, such as one inside the cervix or partially outside the uterus can cause some severe complications

So basically once that magical little device has found its way into safety mode onboard Uterus Airways 101 (wink), there are only a few ways that anything will disrupt status quo…

Physical Activity:

As much as those motivational quotes may make us want to believe otherwise – sometimes moving around simply cannot be helped. The main idea here is that physical activity and being bumped around can cause even well-placed devices to become flipped sideways somehow creating a space between skin & uterine lining where they sit loosely making them turn/bend/slip away from secured position.

  • Have trouble staying upright while wearing heels? Adding an IUD to the mix may be a recipe for disaster. Activities such as running, jumping and gymnastics can put pressure on your uterus causing it to move.

  • The only thing worse than dealing with cramps during your period is dealing with them while knowing that you’ve likely displaced your precious device. Strong uterine contractions can force it out of position.


Well this one seems pretty self-explanatory – heavy fetal movement or other types of trauma incidents actually expel the intrauterine device from inside like a Roman candle at some sorta black market IUD fireworks show!

Even scarier still? A pregnancy developing in someone who has an IUD inserted increases their risk of ectopic pregnancy which could cause severe bleeding or even death. Scary thought but don’t worry too much about pregnant women shooting fire balls because most devices are placed successfully so this particular issue doesn’t tend affect many people.

Still…it never hurts (pun intended) to take extra precautions if you think there’s any chance; use condoms every time and maybe double up contraceptively speaking!

Removals & Expulsion Myths:

Before we go on, just debunking some myths here:

1) Removing an IUD is as easy peasy lemon squeezy: At-home DIY shouldn’t be attempted under any circumstances; if not done properly by doctor skilled in insertion/removal technique removal attempts will probably lead injury and certainly harsh discomfort!\

2)IUD expulsion would be overtly noticeable: This isn’t always automatically true actually – sometimes you don’t know until period-time arrives, whether it’s been located “gone south” without asking permission before settling marsupial-like down beneath pubic bone all sneaky sleuth-style…Creeeeeeeeepy!

So moral of story; keep those follow-up appointments coming! If something feels ‘off’ then don’t ignore possible hints. Trust in professional assessment expertise- and remember, everyone’s reproductive system is different so you’re not alone here.

1) Optimal Fit is Crucial:
This device is meant to provide predictable long term hassle-free contraceptive but one key factor that determines whether we can put our trust on the efficiency of this wonder device? The way it fits! Doctors take several things into account while measuring uterine size & depth including direction angles so they know exactly how deep or shallow placement needs be.

If there isn’t enough space for proper insertion at first you’ll experience discomfort- any movements/changes noted from its expected place could raise alarm bells requiring removal altogether (sometimes these spots aren’t noticeable til later where pain/cramping persists). On other hand if put too low/small significant slippage becomes concern possibly leading unintended pregnancies!

2) Not All IUD Types are Created Equal:
There are two kinds of intrauterine devices doctors typically prescribe – hormonal and copper versions. It’s said that the copper ones tend stay intact more frequently due their sturdiness…who knew?!

3)Remember Your Strings!: Most modern-day options come with strings attached (relax – literally!) These little plastic mazes help ensure everything stays in its happy place properly until it’s time dislodge again yourself seven years down road., However inadvertently knotting them, improperly trimming or any strange bend happen then voila-expect unanticipated expulsion just like that!.

Bottom Line

So those rumors about your IUD moving might not be as far-fetched as we all thought! Physical activity, pregnancy and improper sizing/expertise all play a role in whether yours settles snugly or goes rogue like some sorta rebellious teenager refusing get up bed on weekends when parents insist they’re needed throughout entire Saturday wasted asleep instead doing anything productive ever again!

Regardless of what may have caused an IUD to move or shift, it’s always best to see a doctor if you’re concerned. As much as we might love using Google (or in the case of that one nutty neighbor you try avoid – jizz-zips) as our source for medical advice, sometimes getting a professional opinion is just plain smarter!

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