How are skin tags made?

If you have ever found a small, fleshy bump on your skin that seems to have appeared out of nowhere, you might be wondering what it is and how it got there. Well, my friend, it’s most likely a skin tag. But the question remains; how are skin tags made? Let’s dive into some unusual terminology and find out!

Understanding Skin Tags

Before we delve into the making of skin tags, let’s define what they are. Skin tags, or acrochordons as they are formally known (aren’t scientists fancy?), are benign growths that hang off the surface of the skin.

They can range in size from just a few millimeters to up to 5cm! They’re commonly found in areas where parts of our body rub together like underarms or around our necks.

The Role Of Collagen And Elastin In Your Body

To understand how these pesky little bumps appear on our bodies’ surface, we need to talk about collagen and elastin. These two proteins are vital components responsible for keeping our skin firm and elastic.

Collagen forms fibrils that provide structural support while also giving elasticity to help resist stretching forces. On the other hand,elastin has rubber-like properties allowing tissues like those around joints or arteries return their shape after being stretched or contracted.

Sadly as we age, hormonal changes affect both collagen and elastin production slowing down their regeneration process leading us towards wrinkly saggy …you guessed right ,skin tags!!

## How Do Skin Tags Form?

Although not all know exactly why every single one appears, genetics, friction (say hello tight clothes and jewellery) , above mentioned slowed collagen regenerations with aging process( bummer) weight gain &pregnancy can stimulate your body’s protein producing cells causing excess fibre build-up transforming them eventually into harmless yet annoying skin tags. Also, a Viral Infection Called Human Papillomavirus ( HPV) is also believed to be one of the causes behind these unsightly bumps.

Can You Prevent Skin Tags From Appearing?

Truthfully no preventive measure can steer you clear from getting them & unfortunately, they tend to run in families so if your parents had it… brace yourselves!

Although maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper eating habits and regular workouts could slow or minimize their formation rate on your body parts.

Additionally,adding high amount of Vitamin E sources or topical application might help stimulate collagen production promoting faster healing process.

Do Skin Tags Go Away On Their Own?

While most experts say they don’t fall off entirely without being treated medically , some believe that certain oils like tea tree oil when routinely applied would eventually dry out causing them to fall off while another theory suggests crushing the skin tag daily for weeks cutting its blood supply thus resulting in falling off naturally.

However DIY removal methods are not recommended as incorrect practices precisely using tools on your face (yikes) may increase infection risks leading to other complications including severe bleeding or even scarring which brings us back where we started “skin tags” double yiks

The Medical Side Of Removing Skin Tags

If you want to get rid of that pesky acrochordon for good without making things worse or risking anything at all – just seek medical treatment! Cryotherapy (freezing), cauterizing (burning )or Excision(basically snipping the growth under either numbing agent administered by doctors themselves!) whatever method chosen though physically intrusive it might seem does prove effective and nature takes care of healing afterwards. However bear in mind these procedures come with expenses ;-( !)

Using common sense around areas that rub together wearing comfortable clothes made from breathable fabrics instead tight fitted jeans but ultimately remember skin tags aren’t harmful although due diligent monitoring watch out for changes such as colour or size and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if for any reason concerned.


In conclusion, while skin tags can be an unsightly annoyance, they are incredibly common and pose no harm. A variety of factors contribute to their formation- including genetics and friction – but none can steer you totally clear . Although there’s not much one can do about preventing their appearance, there exist both at-home remedies (like tea tree oil) or professional medical-based treatments that would ensure safe removal maintaining the natural look of your gorgeous healthy skin!

So next time a little bump appears ,just relax and know that you have been blessed with a unique acrochordon!(or just get it treated medically soonest,lol)

This is all we have on “How Are Skin Tags Made?” today…Stay tuned for more informative fun articles from us!

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