Get Animated: Behold the Super Cool GIF!

Are you tired of boring still images? Do you want to add some pizzazz to your website or social media posts? Look no further! The super cool GIF may be just what you need.

What is a GIF?

A GIF, which stands for Graphics Interchange Format, is a type of image file that supports animation. It’s like a flipbook in digital form – instead of flipping through physical pages to see movement, you can simply watch the animation on your screen.

Fun Fact

Did you know that the first GIF was created way back in 1987 by Steve Wilhite?

Why Use GIFs?

Okay, so now you have an idea of what a GIF actually is. But why should you bother with them? Here are just a few reasons:

  • They’re eye-catching
  • They can convey more information than still images
  • They stand out on social media feeds and websites
  • They’re fun!

Plus, they give users something new and interesting to look at – rather than scrolling past yet another photo within their feed.

Did Someone Say ‘Fun’?

One great thing about using gifs is how it immediately makes things seem more fun. A simple gif popping up as someone scrolls through your content can bolster engagement because people love feeling lighthearted when spending time with friends on Facebook or even hiking along online forums without taking themselves too seriously.

Types of GIFs

So how do all these different types work? Well let us tell ya!

There are three basic kinds of gifs:

  1. Looping Gifs
  2. Reaction Gifs & Meme Gifs (are often interchangeable!)
  3. Cinemagraphs

Loopy loopers

Looping gifs, unsurprisingly enough, loops endlessly over and over again! Some popular examples include cats playing pianos, or plants growing and withering away in fast forward (which is the best way to watch flowers grow!).

You Get Me

Ever have a moment when your primary mood is expressed only by an artful gif you found online? That’s called a reaction gif. Not everyone feels this way but some use these gifs on social media posts as quick quips is swell for making fun of something While some may say that they’re overdone others aren’t so sure about it.

These are perfect for adding humor or personality to your content, like who doesn’t want Kermit the Frog sipping Tea while shooting knowing glances offscreen?

Live-Action Gifs

Live action GIFs – also known as cinemagraphs – are high-quality images with slight movements added within them. They add just enough motion to make people do double-takes! For example, a cinemagraph might feature cityscape lit up at night where all that moves is car headlights moving back and forth like wax inwater making everything glow blue.

How to Create Your Own GIFs

While there’s nothing wrong with finding pre-made GIFs online and using those within your work if can t be helpful creating own high-quality A-game style gifs too! Here’s how:

  1. Decide what type of GIF you want: looping, reaction/meme or cinemagraph
  2. Choose what app/program was used earlier
    • Photoshop
    • Premiere Pro
    • Adobe After Effects

Once downloaded:
3. Open App program; Create new canvas layer for each frame/timeframe then import relevant files accordingly.

     Create visuals ready-made composition achieve desired effect choosing options such trimming clip lengths adjusting speed animation etc..

4.Export file in alt version ensuring specific format matches needs.

simple as that, and you’re counting clicks,, frames that is!

Do It Yourself

Nowadays it’s easier than ever to create your own GIFs. All you need is a smartphone or tablet (we don’t recommend trying this on an etch-a-sketch) and a bit of patience.

One popular app for creating gifs is GIPHY Cam. This user-friendly interface makes the creation process simple as pie…a delicious apple-cinnamon pie…yummm!!

Incorporating GIFs into Your Content

So now you know what a GIF is, why they’re important, and even how to make them yourself! But how do you incorporate them into your content?

  1. Decide where it will go in composition
  2. Choose appropriate size/ format based off website/social media platform Intention (dimensions are always our friend!)
  3. Upload file to respective page/collection/library according use & Share with World around us!

It really is that easy.

Final Thoughts

Not convinced? Let these numbers sink in – 23 million gifs shared daily And furthermore there’s no substantial difference between male/female demographics either; everyone love gifs equally! With high amounts of likes shares among frequently updated social media accounts who could be blamed for taking advantage at claiming their spot within already-bustling online community via adding some animated delightfulness.
Simply put: give gif-dom try it out its worth lickedy-split investment countless sights/sounds act like stick-figures dancing or bouncy kitties bouncing about can bring extra levels fun smiles those witness such artfully crafted images/animations.

From looping cats to epic movie clip moments we all have memories we wish would last forever—and then they can—with a little help from just the right magical combination putting together in gif form!

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