Embrace Your Journey with Alan Watts: This Is It

Are you tired of constantly searching for the meaning of life? Have you tried everything from meditation to bungee jumping, but still feel unfulfilled? Look no further, my friend. The answer lies within the teachings of philosopher and writer Alan Watts.

Who is Alan Watts?

Before we dive into his philosophy, let’s get to know the man behind it. Alan Watts was a British-born philosopher known for his books and lectures on Eastern philosophy and religion. He spent most of his career in America where he became popular among counterculture movements in the 60s and 70s. Basically, people used to gather around him like a campfire because they knew that even though he talked about deep stuff that confused them sometimes; it would always be entertaining.

This Is It: The Key Takeaway

The cornerstone of Watt’s philosophy is what he calls “This Is It.” What does it mean? Simply put – this moment right now is all there ever will be. We are so caught up in our past or future worries that we forget about what really matters – living in the present!

“We are so busy trying to achieve something outside ourselves that we forget our own existence,” says Watta boy himself (that’s how I call him from now on). “Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment, it is infinite and eternal.”

Once you fully embrace this idea, you can throw away your anxieties about yesterday or tomorrow because they no longer matter – all that counts is here and now.

Dancing Along the Way

When one grasps “This Is It” then there can be joy along each step of life’s journey instead of merely trying desperately to reach some far-off goal while feeling anxious, not sure if happiness awaits with its attainment.

Watts has an alternative suggestion for that constant striving of trying to find happiness. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it,” he says. “And join the dance.” In other words – enjoy the present, and everything else will follow.

The Illusion of Control

Oh, control! How much we love you even though you are just an illusion. Watts had some wisdom on this subject too:

“We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain,” Watta boy remarks. “Control of thought is required for blissful meditation.”

When we try so hard to control every aspect of our lives or our surroundings (and eventually fail), we create a gap between where we are now and where we want to be leading inevitably negative emotions such as anger or anxiety over time but by meditating oneself these thoughts can easily dissipate allowing us the ability have full enjoyment in each moment instead.

Embrace Your Truest Self

One key idea preached by Watta boy was learning how not taken seriously certain ideas but embracing yourself in your truest form:

“When I look at what I call myself,…I see all the different moments that were connected informally, like beads on a string…the ego doesn’t contain them; it’s simply a viewpoint from which they’re seen.”

In simpler terms, stop living your life according explicitly exacting standards otherwise known as societal standards because you miss being able relish in things outside normativity aside forming happiness individually through self-discovery.

Simplicity Over Complexity

Have you ever noticed how often people make their own lives unnecessarily complicated? We complicate things when simplicity alone would suffice – and This Is It mentality advocates this simplification as well!

“We get mixed up,” said Watts philosophically yet entertainingly enough throwing confused listeners off his trail.“Just know there is no knot!!” Building complexity around situations that are naturally simple often does nothing but stress us out over time.

According to Watta boy, seeking and skewing of the material world will always lead one on a never-ending chase that causes only more headaches for those who pursue it. Clear realizations about what makes you truly happy in life should be sought instead of fanciful ideas that may do nothing apart from short-lived pleasures.

Life Is Playful

In our day-to-day routine lives, we have become so rigid in our ways that life feels scripted like some TV show: same characters every scene just different backdrop. Watts once said,“The menu is not the meal.” True entertainment comes from enjoying each moment as it happens; meaning,

it’s important to allow yourself moments of playful abandon without feeling self-absorbed. Conquering any negativity or boredom through recreational means creates whole new openings full of possibilities previously unknowns.

The Purpose Behind It All

So what is this thing called “life”? Ahh, the million-dollar question which no amount logic or rationality can answer with complete accuracy however shouldn’t dampen anyone’s mood!

Watta boy suggested analyzing purpose behind everything one does ?every action serving as its own reason, making results less important than experience gained throughout each moment while trying whatever new adventure presents itself!

Breaking Free From Society’s Influence & Labels

To see clarity altogether as opposed to becoming incessantly overwhelmed by expectations placed upon oneself individuals must move away from preconceived notions society puts into place regarding personal identities such as sexual orientations being fixed when in reality they come across arbitrary.

“One is a great deal less anxious if one feels perfectly free to be anxious,” says Watta boy curiously enough leaving many scratching their heads about possible meanings behind vague statement intented provoke questioning amidst listeners minds but also provide guidance towards freeing themselves definitions imposed by outside influences (even psychological ones).

Through embracing true self waiting beneath societal labels placed upon personal identity breakup with preconceived ideas about social norms become possible – leaving happy people free from feeling trapped unnaturally.

Finding Common Ground

Individuality is embraced within Watts’ philosophy yet never at expense of community or passion. People are not only okay in thinking different but encouraged due to the values he holds close.

“The meaning of life is just to be alive,”Watta boy says, reminding us the value each person has through their unique individuality while simultaneously connecting it will all beings around us!

One can fail nothing else besides oneself

Choice is often overlooked as a result individuals beaten down by societal pressures & conformity, this very notion ignoring immense power and liberation making own decisions autonomously provides rather than always worrying about pleasing others more than oneself daily basis.

“Trying to define yourself,” stated Watta boy “is like trying to bite your own teeth,” indirect passage spurring on introspection for those listening closely enough noticing such type statements among his lectures; losing focus today’s world consumed by chaos brings much-needed relief especially once recognizing that failure means little compared towards fulfillment becoming fully honest regarding one’s authentic self.


Life oughtn’t confuse or disappoint anyone looking deeper into questions frequently asked day-by-day such: “what’s my purpose?” Alan Watt’s teachings attempt make sense why “This Is It” needs be valued along journeys undertaken life calling back embrace inner child enthusiastically playful whenever achieving goal sought after. Start now because #actuallivingalwayshappensintherightnow

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