Does preparation h work?

If you’ve ever dealt with hemorrhoids (or comfortably called them “piles”), then it’s highly likely that you’ve come across the name ‘Preparation H’. This tube of cream has been marketed as a solution for hemorrhoid sufferers for decades. But does it actually work or is it just another snake oil? Let’s dive in to find out!

The Lowdown on Hemorrhoids

Before we go any further, let’s understand what hemorrhoids are and how they occur. It might seem like an uncomfortable topic, but bear with me here.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins situated in the anus or lower rectum area. They can be internal (inside your rectum) or external (on/near your anus), and they happen due to increased pressure in those areas caused by:

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Sitting on the toilet for long stretches of time (guilty)
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea (ugh)
  • Heavy lifting
  • Pregnancy (never happened to me personally)

And hey, if you’re lucky enough, then genetics might also bless you with these painful lumps of fun!

Now that we know what makes us suffer through piles/hemorrhoids, let’s move onto why people turn towards Preparation H as their savior.

What is Preparation H?

When I first heard about this mysterious tube called Preparation H (sounds more logical than being called Unpreparation F anyways), I had no idea what was inside it. Turns out there are several variations now available including creams/gels/ointments/suppositories/wipes phew.

While different products offer varying ingredients/strengths/formulas/prices,r all preparations include phenylephrine -the key ingredient which constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling around anal area.So that’s the genius behind Preparation H. Genius, I say!

So Does it Actually Work?

No matter what anyone online tells you about hemorrhoids (including me) – if they can’t provide you with any tangible results, there is a good chance that they’re full of shit… or let’s be more PC here: FOS.

Thankfully, there have been many clinical trials conducted over the years to verify whether Preparation H actually works as mentioned on its packaging. After analyzing these studies , we can say that:

  • For Immediate relief : Phenylephrine provides calming effect by reducing itching pain and discomfort around area
  • Long-term elimination; It was observed that phenylephrine alone did not improve symptoms in case of Painful piles.You need treatment including lifestyle changes,reducing constipation,dietary management along with medical intervention such as fiber supplementation,laxatives etc

However theres are concerns raised regarding prolonged use.Use for longer than a week should only happen under medication advise .Some side effects include increased blood pressure/anxiety/agitation/insomnia/tremors!!So use moderately .

Remember folks always consult your doctor !!!!

How Else Can You Treat Hemorrhoids?

If the idea of rubbing cream onto your tender bits isn’t really your cup of tea (no judgement here), then don’t worry because there are other ways to treat those pesky piles.

Here are just some alternatives:

1) Consume Fiber Rich diet; ood selection including vegetables & fruits,whole grains,nuts/seeds helps maintain bowel regularity thus prevents straining while actiong stools

2) Drink plenty . Aim for at least 8 cups per day.However may vary depending on weight/environmental factors like temperature/strenuous physical activity

4)Try OTC medications non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs(NSAIDS)

5)Surgery;if all else fails sometimesdoctor may advice surgical procedure to remove piles

Of course, you can also combine these treatments together for better results. Just make sure you consult your doctor beforehand so they can guide you on the best treatment plan for your situation.

The Verdict

So there it is… Preparation H actually works when we consider immediate relief from itching pain and inconvenience post defaecation specifically but otherwise its potential role in full spectrum of hemorrhoid management E.g ofleeding/discomfort/discharge etc is not uniform .

It’s definitely not a magical cure-all that some might claim it to be -but most alternative underlines need compliance,lifestyle changes,and dietary supplementation along with other forms of medications .

If Prep H doesn’t provide more than temporary relief or worsens symptoms after 1 week =>contacting medical help sounds like a good idea.If ,however, uou are relieved with this cream then continue usage as per instructions.

Note though:Prolonged use without guidance increased the risk adverse events generally including high blood pressure/muscle tremors/dizziness/irritability!
Oh my, feels almost worse than Hemorrhoids itself!

Preparation H has been around since god knows how long .several varieties available which become confusing at times.Though scientific evidence states phenylephrine based products provide instant satisfaction ,there’s no shortcut towards an appointment with your physician if problem prevails.

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