Does plan b work on everyone?

When people think of birth control, often the first thing that comes to mind is the pill. But, for many reasons, pills aren’t always the best option. That’s where Plan B comes in – a dose of hormones you can take after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.

However, one question that arises frequently is whether or not Plan B works on everyone. In short, no contraceptive method is 100% effective – but let’s dive into this topic further and explore it from different angles.

How Does Plan B Work?

Before we answer the question at hand about whether or not it works on everyone, let’s briefly discuss how exactly Plan B works in general.

Plan B contains levonorgestrel (a synthetic hormone), which helps prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation (the release of an egg). If there is no egg released during ovulation, sperm cannot fertilize said egg leading up to a potential pregnancy.

Who Can Take Plan B?

Let’s start with who CAN actually take plan b (assuming they are above 17 years old):

  • People who have had unprotected sex.
  • People whose regular birth control failed (like forgetting to take a pill).
  • Those with “coitus interruptus” (pulling out) that didn’t go as planned.

Who should NOT ingest Plan-B? Here are some conditions where taking plan-b might bring harm:

Condition Caution
Pregnancy Not Recommended
Allergy May be harmful
Diabetes Consult physician

Is It Effective For Everyone?

The effectiveness of any form of contraceptives depends upon usage instructions provided by its healthcare provider & requires following them without fail..That being sarcastic here folks

Studies show that when taken correctly within three days after unprotected sex or birth control failure, Plan B is up to 89% effective against preventing pregnancy. However, it doesn’t work before ovulation – so if you’ve already ovulated and a sperm fertilizes an egg (before or after taking Plan B), then the pill will not be of help.

So, while Plan-B holds a decent track record, no form of contraceptive method guarantees 100% effectiveness in every individual. Though some experts claim that frequency of use doesn’t lower the efficacy rate (one shouldn’t test their luck again though).

Factors That Can Affect Efficacy

Enough talk about stats! Let’s dive into factors that can actually affect how well Plan B works on individuals:


As previously mentioned, levonorgestrel works by preventing ovulation from happening altogether. If an egg has already been released prior to taking plan-b then there is nothing for it to prevent/preemptively stop hence rendering its ingestion as ineffectiveSurprising right?. Hence timing is key where one needs to take plan-b as soon as possible after unprotected sex.

The sooner someone takes it, the more likely they are to avoid getting pregnant (<61 Hrs) provided no other unforseen conditions arise which may nullify its effects in ones system ; like vomiting uncontrollably within hours etc Cause things do happen & we all know Murphy’s law anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Weight And Body Mass Index (BMI)

There have been claims made earlier about having body fat.Having too much fatty tissue might reduce how effectively hormones are absorbed in ones bloodstream leading it towards ineffectiveness .

Here comes another pitch:

  • People with higher BMIs might require alternative options such as IUD Implantable Intrauterine Devices
  • Consultation still recommended with healthcare providers
  • Its imperative you ask these questions to your gyno, rather than googling individual research articiles.
  • BMI also impacts supply chain logistics (Shipping and distributing IUDs to suit people of different BMS ranges) which then secretly pushes us closer towards the bleak dystopian Black Mirror episodes where technology takes over


Some individuals may be allergic or have an intolerance (???) towards ingredients in Plan B pills – levonorgestrel being the main one along with some forms of coatings & supplements that do not play well with their immune system.

Before taking any medications its best to cross check for allergies either with doc’s formulated plan-b or ones healthcare provider regarding options based on personal history. Allergic reactions can lead to a higher risk of side effects like rashes, hives and excess swelling (tell oedema gets there first) when ignored especially ranting about doctors & pharma companies on twitter instead of seeking medical advice!


In conclusion, Plan B works great on most bodies if used properly within recommended timeframes and pre-existing conditions are taken care off.

However even though the stats say it has an effectiveness rate upto 89% there is still no human-magic number ie:100% . Its advised alternate(options)contraceptive(s) methods should be discussed/looked into by consulting health care providers so as to avoid unexpected pregnancy at all costs. Always remember Murphy’s Law folks!

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