Does plan b make your period longer?

Has the stork been playing with your lady parts? Don’t panic because science has saved you again. Plan B to the rescue! But does this miracle pill come with some unfortunate side effects that we may not be aware of, like a longer period duration? Is there any truth to these spurious claims or are they just myths?

Let’s dive deep into it and find out what our uterine linings have in store after taking Plan B.

What is Plan B?

Before jumping on to any conclusions, let’s first understand what Plan B is.

To put it simply, Plan B is an emergency contraception pill that contains high levels of synthetic hormones – levonorgestrel and progestin – which prevent ovulation from occurring or delay the release of eggs. It can offer up to 95% protection against pregnancies if taken correctly within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

How does Plan B work?

Women have two primary female hormones responsible for pregnancy- estrogen and progesterone.

When estrogen reaches its peak level in a menstrual cycle, luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers the egg follicle in one of your ovaries to rupture and release an egg.

This process is called ovulation, After the process begins, sperm often meets up with an egg inside a fallopian tube leading towards fertilization;

The outcome being viable offsprings who make their way into this world after nine months.

However,b Cramming two dozen sweaty people onto subways ruined the magic so Science gifted us “Plan-B”.

As mentioned earlier,this medication consists primarily of levonorgestrel,and having higher levels interfere with our body’s natural hormonal system;
Thus delaying or preventing ovulation altogether

It might even impair fertilization & implantation by altering cervical mucus consistency hindering sperms’ mobility further.

Periods – An Overview

Periods are considered to be the shedding of your uterus lining every month. The whole menstrual cycle lasts for an average of 28 days but can differ from individual to individual.

The uterine wall thickens with blood vessels and tissue in anticipation of fertilization during ovulation.While a viable conception results in pregnancy, lack thereof prompts shedding off the accumulated tissues marking the onset of menstruation, lasting for three to-seven days

One may feel lethargic or experience irritability during this time due to their hormonal system going wild causing PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Plan B’s Impact on Menstruation

Trying not-to-become-pregnant occupies much attention; especially when you’re young,broke&suffering social anxiety. Restlessness leads most individuals seeking emergency contraception services than any other group researches suggest so does it make period duration longer too?

Several studies have been conducted which suggests that after taking Plan B, periods indeed tend to be impacted by temporary changes. But is that really conclusive? Let’s take a deeper look.

Delayed Menstruation

While Plan-B administration will prevent fertilization more often than not leading up null pregnancies, Hormonal disruption causes changes within our biological functions when indulging such pills regularly;

One might observe slight delays spans from spotting throughout two weeks following pill intake except regular menses isn’t postponed /effects long-term fertility whatsoever.

This delay can happen because levonorgestrel mimics progesterone responsible for building up your uterine lining.With elevated levels delaying endometrial growth hormones for some time shows completely normal body response&isn’t cause for alarm unless unusual symptoms arise such as extreme pelvic pain,dizziness and heavy bleeding warrants immediate medical attention.

Increased Bleeding

It’s natural if one notices minor variations between different cycles once in awhile also additional cramping or mild spotting within the week following regular period cycles, similarly it’s not unheard of for women to experience heavier bleeding ordinarily when birth controls using hormones are involved.

Since Plan B is no different from its synthetic hormonal composition;expect similar outcomes

However in rare instances heavy painful bleeding may occur and/or remain extended than usual after taking Plan B alarm bells ringing healthcare professionals should be informed immediately especially if accompanied by blurred vision or persistent dizziness as they could be warning signs of a possible ectopic pregnancy

Skipping Menstruation

While minor changes can be considered an occasional part & parcel with contraceptives,some report absence of menstrual Cycle altogether

A sudden pause or missing a cycle isn’t anything unusual&hardly sets off alarms for other pill users as well but continuous levonorgestrel administration can surely cause longer-term disruptions while it doesn’t mean you aren’t fertile anymore,it certainly raises queries about pregnancies and rethinking contraceptive methods .

Plan-B usage doesn’t have side effects on long term fertility. It won’t hamper your chances in conceiving later on down the lane.


It all ends up being subjective,the unintended plethora of determining factors which influences bodily reception and how much levonorgestrel each individual tolerate going through both positive/negative impacts makes making any solid claims difficult. This article contains general information only,and advises always check with a medical professional before indulging themselves into medications. .Use protection,you-dont-want-to-get-pregnant.

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