Does nyquil make you sweat?

Nyquil is the go-to medicine for people battling with flu or a cold. Made up of various drugs, including pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan, many have claimed that it makes them sweat. Let’s take a closer look at this claim to see if there’s any truth behind it.

What is NyQuil?

Before we explore whether NyQuil can cause sweating let’s start by looking into what exactly it is. Designed to relieve symptoms of flu and colds, this medication works by targeting four different areas: headaches, fever reduction, cough suppression and congestion relief.

Containing acetaminophen as its primary active ingredient (pain reliever), the drug is suitable for fighting off sniffles in adults in need of some good hours rest.


As I mentioned earlier on,Nyquil contains two active ingredients- pseudoephedrine, which significantly helps control nasal congestion caused by mucus or other substances blocking your sinus passages And dextromethorphan, an antitussive agent used to suppress muscles responsible for trigger coughing reflexes.

In addition to these main components,NyQuil also contains 10% alcohol,taking inventory of all these ingredients one might wonder how much influence they generate towards the production of excessive sweating once ingested

Alcohol Content

It’s no surprise that alcohol will increase body temperature after consumption; however,you should note that if taken moderately,the effect subsides quickly Moreover.NyQui,l although containing 10% percent concentration,such dosage isn’t near enough to spur significant effects.In fact,it simply carries moisture generating properties hence can result in dehydration(an extra sticky cover on those already distressful Flu/cold nights)

Possible Causes of Sweating After Taking NyQuil

Sweats induced by Medications are usually instigated in two ways:stimulation or withdrawal of different bodily systems.


This is the activation caused by several drugs that within the body helps increase heart rate,metabolism and reducing pain sensations. In same vein,dextromethorphan and pseudoephedrine contained in NyQuil can stimulate certain parts(for example,the cardiovascular system & respiratory system)of our bodies.

Once taken,pseudoephedrine begins working by shrinking blood vessels lining your nasal passages,resulting to widening of airways thus allowing for easier inhalation& exhaltion. As such once your muscles in charge of breathing take center stage,you are bound to build up a sweat from doing so.However this slight sweating shouldn’t make you worried but give you sign that the drug is actually taking effect.


Another common cause of sweating after taking medication is through its withdrawal effects.In simpler terms,this usually occurs when an individual stops using necessary prescribed medication.Altering ones dextromethorphan or pseudoephedrine dosage suddenly,without medical consult could generate withdrawal symptoms which oftentimes includes inducing sweating or sniffles similar to former condition

Is NyQuil liable?

Though having gone over both possible causes some side effects exist,say excessive perspiration.That said,much as it may end after one night (like most cold-related conditions),under normal circumstances,it will be pertinent you cease consuming such drugs if they trigger unhealthy profuse breaking out or other allergies. Might I add,A second opinion with qualified practioners often go a long way as well.


Sweating has numerous underlying factors like stimulants, dehydration among others.Conditions treated should have no direct control over regulating body temperature thereby causing Hyperhidrosis(excessive perspiratIon) There isn’t any conclusive scientific evidence linking Nyquil intake with sudden episodes; however users should heed onside untoward allergic reactions while administering antihistamines during common cold/flu ailment.Always contact a medical expert when faced with such symptoms.

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