Does motrin cause constipation?

When it comes to medication, one of the most common side effects is constipation. It’s a problem that no one wants to talk about, but almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives. But does taking Motrin cause constipation? This article will explore the topic and hopefully give you some aha moments.

Understanding Motrin

Before we dive into whether or not Motrin causes constipation, let’s first understand what exactly it is. Motrin (also known by its generic name Ibuprofen) is an over-the-counter pain reliever that belongs to a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

NSAIDs are widely used for pain relief and they work by reducing inflammation which results in decreased pain levels. Some popular brands include Advil, Aleve and obviously our very own darling- Motrin.

Why do we take Motrin?

We all experience different types of pain at various points in time from headache, menstrual cramps etcetera with varying intensity – minor to severe . While mild pains can be easily relieved through rest or application of heat /cold pack(s), more intense pains require medication intervention such as those produced by NSAIDs like ibuprofen aka motrisidal queen.

Why don’t we rely on natural remedies?

Hold on fam! I know there are wavy people out there who swear by ancient tea traditions passed down generationally that promise instant magical healing BUT not all times would seeping chai save your sciatica .

Not only may such methods fail for intense pain situations but when ignored , these minor symptoms might progress further leading
to greater issues requiring more invasive treatments than just popping an ibuprofen here and there.

Is Long-term use safe ?

Taken when prescribed appropriately with consideration given towards medical history inclusive sensitivity but research indicates long term usage may disrupt immunological functions resulting in lowered immunity or ultimately chronic illness like type 2 diabetes. Talk to a medical professional if you have any questions in that department.

Motrin and Constipation

Now that we understand what Motrin is, let’s take a closer look at whether it causes constipation. Constipation refers to difficulty in passing stools accompanied by some hardening of stools which happens when the normal frequency / movement of bowel movements slows down.More serious cases result in blockages, hemorrhoids( aka bum grapes) with further complications pushing one towards seeking medical intervention.

How does Motrin work?

Motrin works on your body’s production of prostaglandins ie hormone-like substances that play important roles for instance- alleviation pain levels during menstrual cramps and inflammation. However,in rare cases NSAIDs can also cause changes either directly or indirectly through other factors such as dehydration worsening overall digestive mechanisms slowing stool progress .

What are the Symptoms?

Symptoms manifest themselves especially upon long term usage presenting problematic processes . Higher doses tend to lead to more pronounced symptoms than lesser dosages; Possible signs include :

  • Infrequent defecation (aka pooing)
  • Straining while pooping
  • Passings large-sized hardened fecal matter
  • Loose bowel movements immediately after discontinuing drug use/reduced dosage

So Does It cause Constipation ?

In short yes however severity may vary depending on an individual’s unique self. CBD could be beneficial for this specific ailment so if you have access, why not give it a go?

Further ,recognising there emerges sensitivities might prompt adverse reactions making ur stomach protest under ibuprofen’s influence ; such issues require getting checked out via physician consultations

Furthermore, according a study published JAMA Internal Medicine indicates occurrence rates vary from person(a) to person(b), primarily dependent on regularity/dosage affectations & pre-existing conditions inclusive diet/lifestyle choices taken into consideration.

Reducing Constipation when taking Motrin

If you are someone who experiences constipation while taking Motrin, here are some tips that may help:

Drink Plenty of Water

Keeping one’s body hydrated helps in numerous ways including flow bowel movement. 8 glasses is the recommended daily dose ~1 cup per hour during caressing~.

Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber works by increasing stool size / ease and eases overall process . As such adding fruits, veggies or even fiber supplements alongside dosage can alleviate constipation related symptoms .

Walk/Exercise Regularly

Engaging in any form(s) exercise could improve bowels movement by bricking up momentum and prompting muscles connections between stomach/bottom parts providing adequate rhythm & speediness along the digestion canal system.

Try Laxatives

Laxatives increase fluid intakes to stimulate BM normalisation;ask your physician recommends usage advice as they might come with risk profile for people juggling wide array acute health challenges.


While it’s true that Motrin can cause constipation, there are ways to reduce its impact. Proper hydration through consistent consumption of water packed alongside upon regular fibre intake from fruits or vegetable sources combined with increased exercise levels bring likely alleviations to unpleasant side effects.

Regardless of how well anyone lives their (best) life ; if there’s a feeling undue discomforts , chatting with a medical professional never goes amiss in diagnosing underlying causes suggestive treatment regimes nor depending on Google search which tends towards catastrophizing minor ailments.

PS: Remember Everything has Its Pros && Cons.

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