Does lichen sclerosus go away?

There are some things in life we wish would just go away, like hangovers, zits, or that one ex you can’t seem to shake. Unfortunately for some people, lichen sclerosus is on that list. This chronic skin condition affects the genital and anal areas of both men and women (and it’s not sexy). But does lichen sclerosus ever really go away? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details.

What is Lichen Sclerosus?

Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a disorder that causes thinning of the skin (not like slimming down after a juice cleanse kind of thinning), leaving white patches that may itch or tear easily due to their fragility. The exact cause remains unknown but seems to be related to hormonal imbalances (thanks for nothing hormones!) and/or an overactive immune system. It mainly affects the genital area in both sexes (vulva and penis) as well as other body parts such as breasts, upper arms, shoulders or neck.

## Can You Get Over LS?
The short answer is no (cue sad trombone). Unfortunately there’s no cure for LS, so once you have it – brace yourself – you have it for life (cue ominous music).

However don’t panic yet! Though there isn’t a cure per se if treated early enough there are ways to manage its symptoms effectively with topical steroids applied locally around genitourinary areas aiming at reduction inflammation / itching brought by disease flairs

Don’t forget; early detection drastically helps prevent your condition from rigorous progression which makes living with this illness still doable though requires constant attention

How Common Is LS?

Lucky us global estimates show that approximately 1% of all individuals born with vulvas will develop lichen sclerosis at some point in their life. This is slightly less common in guys, but it still affects a decent/proportion/percentage of men with the prevalence rate getting higher exactly at ages around 50 to 70.

Therefore if you think no one else can relate or understand your suffering, please know that LS like many illnesses even though they’re not openly spoken about do affect more people than we may imagine or count on our fingers

Recognizing Symptoms

It’s crucially important to be able to identify symptoms early and take action so as get relief from uncomfortable sensations accompanied by itchiness or burning quickly.

If left untreated for too long symptoms tend to worsen causing sensitivity issues that could interfere with normal bladder function , intercourse among other everyday activities

Common signs include:
– White patches of skin (bright white color / ivory discoloration)
– thickening of the affected area leading resulting in tighter stretchy skin feel
– severe itching,
– pain during sex,
– discomfort/soreness when urinating

If any combination of these is recognized its best you see a healthcare provider specializing in dermatology right away

Treatment Options

As mentioned earlier since there is “no cure” for LS (coughs yea we are aware) treatment therefore typically aims at alleviating bothersome symptoms rather than trying to coax out an elusive healing effect which may never come.

Often potent steroid creams applied directly onto areas(s) persistently affected will reduce inflammation thereby providing symptom relief (Glad I was deprived). Occasionally immunosupressive creams are sometimes used when steroids do not suffice – this type treatment must be overseen straight up by professionals experienced adequately enough with lichen sclerosus treatments since they carry fairly serious side-effects. Laser therapy/tightening however is another option offered mainly directed toward women dealing with scarring and painful intercourse due narrowed vaginal openings

While attempting self-treatment through means such as over-the-counter creams can have detrimental effects over the course of disease especially if carelessly applied in wrong manners

No amount of internet research and self-diagnosis can replace a face-to-face consultation with an expert practitioner so consulting professional help as soon as symptoms appear is highly advised

Coping Mechanisms When LS Seems Permanent

Living with any chronic condition such as Lichen Sclerosus may sound frustrating without ending resolve. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed & discouraged

Some few coping mechanisms that could aid your life journey greatly entails:

  • Meditation
  • Gentle Yoga/stretching exercises
  • Spa Treatments (+sauna) boosting mobility

Listening to music & Engaging activities you enjoy like reading, journaling or catching up favourite series are also great ways for positive mental escape from long term challenges caused by lichen sclerosus.

Creative habits maintained regularly coupled with consistent treatment makes triumphant management of LS possible (raises fist)

What If You Don’t Seek Treatment For LS?

Unlike fine wine unmanaged chronic conditions don’t age well (but then not all good things last forever right anyways). Because Lichen sclerosus often causes changes in our best companion -our intimate regions, it’s essential not ignore their early warnings signs such us white patches, itching or burning sensation affecting them repeatedly .

Avoidance will just make which ever activity brings repeated irritation even more difficult .e.g Urination / Intercourse. They say time heals everything but ignoring issues related to this particular health challenge poses severe consequences for those requiring the unthinkable decisions like surgery .

Quit stalling and seek medical attention swiftly


Lucky us Lifelong diagnosis doesn’t imply ain’t making vast strides on effective relief measures! With timely intervention at onset plus diligence maintain oft proposed forms treatment regimens one day enough support provided individuals living with lichen sclerosis might find themselves conditioned much better towards having productive sexual lives and reaping more fulfilment from day-to-day activities.

Remember, LS might not go away but its symptoms do not have to take over your life. Seek treatment as soon as possible and work towards managing the condition

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