Does eliquis cause blood in urine?

Are you peeing red and wondering if it’s the doing of the blood thinning medication – Eliquis? Well, let’s get down to some serious business (pun intended).

What is Eliquis?

Let us first dive into what this drug really does. Eliquis is a medication used for treating different conditions related to blood clotting issues such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE). It works by inhibiting the coagulation factors from binding together, thus preventing clots from forming.

Can you experience bloody urine while taking eliquis?

As much as we’d love to give a straightforward answer, it actually depends on various factors. But before we delve deeper into that matter, let’s define what hematuria – commonly known as bloody urine – really is.

Hematuria can either be gross – visible with your naked eye resulting in an obvious reddish-pink color- or microscopic – seen only through a microscope. In most cases where people report urinary bleeding after being on eliquis, they are referring to micro-hematuria versions.

What causes hematuria?

There several reasons why someone may have blood in their urine including:

  • Infection
  • Medications like aspirin or penicillin
  • Kidney stones
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Cancer

These are just but a few examples; there could be other underlying medical conditions leading to blooding during urination.

However, one prominent side effect of using anticoagulants such as enoxaparin(paraxrine), heparin and warfarin is urologic complications which manifest themselves in form of haemturia(grross and Microscopic) . Many patients tend sometimes tend not seek immediate help even after experiencing symptoms because bleeding incidents sometimes occur within weeks or sometimes months after one has started on this blood-thinning medication.

Why does eliquis cause hematuria?

The medication’s effect in itself doesn’t increase the likelihood of developing haematuria. However, some people have reported experiencing urinary bleeding while using Eliquis and other anticoagulants. The main theory behind increased occurrences is that these medications thin out the blood slowing down the clotting process thereby increases sensitivity to injury in the kidneys or ureters hence making it even easier for tiny veins to leak resulting to microhematuria.

In most cases, such incidents are mild and not life-threatening as they generally clear up spontaneously without further medical treatments within a week or so . That said, It advisable that you seek your docttor’s opinion if you experience severe visible urine discoloration immediately or recurrently because continued use of Eliquis can increase your risks of developing serious internal bleeds .

If after examining your condition Dr suspects there might be another underlying issue; he may recommend alternative diagnosis examinations like MRI Scans, CT scans Urinalysis tests among others as they may offer valuable insights into what maybe happening.

Who Can Experience Haemturia?

As we mentioned earlier anyone can experience haemturia for all manner of reasons external factors including anti coaguilation treatment liek enoxaparain(orgenparin), rivaoxiban(Ottjaxa) , dabigratan (Pradaxa)and warfarin(Coumadin). Nevertheless Its difficult at best impossible to tell exactly who willdd develop urinary bladder symptoms before hand.
Although underlying medical issues that cayuse blooding should become apparrent durring pre -treatment health screening with Dr thus ideally reducing chances fo any infections ffrom being overlooker orburies

What are Some Symptoms You Should Lookout For?

Some key symptoms yo should be onnof the loookout forinclude;

  1. Blood in the urine
  2. Dizziness
  3. Frequent fevers.
  4. Pain or difficulty passing urine

What’s important is understanding that not every side effect experienced while taking Eliquis is related to hematuria.

How is Haemtuuria Treated?

While most cases of haemturia are nothing more than mild attacks with little cause for cosecern, it’s never prudent to take chances with your health and given that this wyph coud be a sign od deeper complications thre immediatelygetting checked out by your GP should be piority if any urinary bleeding occurs during eliquis trestment.. In mosy our doctor might recommeend certain tests to establish what exactly may have triggered the symptoms before prescribing anti-inflammatory medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) as painkillers which work bby temporarily easing he symptoms s associated causes can sitll linger behind invisibly.

Other severe conditions such as cancer will require proper treatment methods like chemotherapy,radiation and surgery depending on the particular circumstances.

Can You Prevent Hematuria While on Eliquis?

As per Dr Johnson in one of his recent debates without changing doseage regeimnt People havent ben able to prevent blooding from occurring due to medication use but they have ben quite successful in reducing hordes snd no. Of severity incidences through simple measures such good hygiene practices, maintaining balanced dieting,lifestyle changes such as:

  • Introducing daily physical activity regimes
  • Stop smoking
  • Drinking plenty of water
    and being diligent concerning urination times especially at night.

In some caseswhere anheemia becomes exteme or renal function deteriorates further medical intervation mightbe required comolemented public prophesional helth advice soutcets similarbto viral educational information circulated by various creaters including m government health agencies.


Lastly, it is important to remember that even though medication has beneficial effects in most people and venfor those with history of osteoposis its advisable not to wait around hoping the symptoms subside wih time. It’s critical that you consult a medical professional immediately on sight of any unusual happenings during eliquis treatment; they can offer guidance on how o prevent future episodes or recommend appropriate medications.
Stay safe everyone!

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