Does elderberry make you sleepy?

Elderberry is a popular herb known for its potential health benefits, especially in boosting the immune system. However, some people have raised concerns about elderberry causing drowsiness or making them feel sleepy. In this article, we will explore this claim and find out if there is any evidence to back it up.

What Is Elderberry?

Before diving into whether or not elderberry can make you drowsy, let’s first understand what it is.

Elderberry (Sambucus) refers to several species of flowering plants commonly found in Europe and North America. The most widely used are Sambucas nigra and Sambucus Canadensis, which produce black and blue-purple berries, respectively. Folklore has touted the medicinal properties of elderberries for centuries – they’ve been associated with everything from curing colds to staving off evil spirits (which hopefully won’t be an issue during your sleepy times!).

Traditionally, people use the cooked flowers and berries of elderberries for their natural antioxidant content as well as anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce pain symptoms secondary to viral infection like influenza.

But now let’s tackle the question:

So does elderberry really make you sleepy?

Well… kind-of-but-not-really!

There isn’t much research regarding direct correlations between consuming Elderberries with sleepiness but overconsumption could lead indirectly to feeling lethargic primarily due headaches, digestive problems along with a suppressed immune system function–all far from being ideal for a good night’s rest!


Aha Moment: Indirectly inducing somnolence

If one argues that digestion makes you tired/wanting-to-lay-down-and-never-get-up tired.. then maybe they’re.. on-the-right-track.There have been no conclusive scientific studies linking consumption of Elderberries directly leading to drowsiness… However, some people have reported feeling drowsy after consuming products that contain elderberry or the fruit itself.

Could there be something else in Elderberries responsible for sleepiness?

Aside from the digestive complaints that can come with overconsumption of anything…nope!. To date, no other compounds (at least none we know of) present within Ederberries have been shown to exert any sedative effect.

Whether it’s an old wives’ tale or not…

Where did this claim originate?

Despite zero scientific proof tying Elderberries specifically relaying a tranquilizing influence on its users, communities around the world continue firmly believing consumption directly leads to somnolence but why so?

It may well stem from how similarly shaped & named botanical species Sambucas looks to Sambuccus. If one were misled and mistakenly used Sambuccus instead of Sambucus -all bets would suddenly-be-off-the-table since Sambuccus is commonly referred-to as “Box-Elder”, a western North-American member-Pseudoacacia family hypothesized as containing trace amounts of toxins Phasin..

Conclusion: Should you take elderberry before bedtime?

In general, moderate consumption of elderberry won’t induce direct-sleepiness; however like all good things too much might lead you down a path filled with headaches and gastrointestinal pain…paving nice indirect sleepy feels by evening! You might want-to-think twice about downing-all-those-elderberry-gummies right-before-bed, despite having really cute packaging.

If you’re taking regular elderberry supplements make sure to stick-to/refer-a-medical-professional recommended dosage – ensuring maximal effectiveness whilst avoiding adverse side effects. In other words.. Moderation-is-key and especially prudent when trying-out newly adopted health hacks at night-time ideally providing your body ample adjustment periods

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