Does drinking gelatin stop your period?

Have you ever heard of drinking gelatin to stop your period? It may sound like an unusual remedy, but some people believe that it can potentially be effective. But is there any truth behind this claim? Let’s dive into what gelatin is and whether or not it has the power to halt menstruation.

What Is Gelatin?

Gelatin is a protein-rich substance derived from collagen found in animal bones, skin, and connective tissues. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in various foods such as desserts and jellies due to its ability to solidify liquids when cooled. Apart from culinary uses, gelatin also has medical purposes such as wound healing and drug encapsulation.

The Theory Behind Using Gelatin To Stop Menstruation

Gelatine contains high levels of amino acids like glycine which are believed by some people to help shrink the uterine wall lining by regulating hormones linked with menstrual periods. This means that consuming more Glycine than usual during periods makes the uterus contract lightly thus leading to shedding off menses earlier – thus stopping your period

The advocates of this method argue that drinking gelatins increase cyclic AMP production inhibiting progesterone secretion; hence disrupting ovulation cycle leading irregular menses. This theory suggests that elevated Cyclic Adenosyl Monophosphate (CAMP) levels causing hormonal imbalances leading upsets in normal menstrual cycles however how one would test their CAMP level remain unclear

Yet another explanation put forward for using this purported solution indicates magnesium present – act on certain muscles decreasing inflammation leading to alleviation/prevention cramps common during menstruation However little research exists regarding actual success proving these claims nor details about practical application times assuming reliable relief could be achieved despite being unproven

So if you’re tempted by this remedy, does drinking gelatins actually work? The truth is there’s no clear-cut answer.

Does Gelatin Really Stop Your Period?

As mentioned, the amount of scientific evidence to support this claim is limited. Some people experience transient relief after drinking large amounts of gelatins during menstruation with bleeding stopping earlier than usual but other reports failed to buttress lead researcher’s assertions since individual differences and placebo may be involved in positive results

There are also concerns about consuming high amounts of gelatin due to potential effects like stomach upsets and allergies for some individuals which may outweigh perceived benefits during menses One should therefore take necessary precautions before trying out any alternative remedies including those claiming that a dietary supplement containing essential amino acids that one would require monitoring

Some women using contraceptive pills have resorted to taking impromptu hormonal dosages capable of changing cycles patterns & exacerbating PMS – implying it’s more complicated than merely deactivating menstrual periods by drinking Gelatine-like brews or pill form

What we can say for sure so far is that there’s no conclusive scientific evidence supporting the notion that consuming gelatins will definitely stop your period on time every time. You are better off considering medical interventions rather than relying entirely on hearsay passed around as effective solutions.

Alternative Options To Manage Menstrual Pain And Bleeding

If you’re looking for ways to manage menstrual pain or reduce heavy bleeding, here are some alternatives worth exploring:

1. Over-The-Counter Pain Medication

Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen have been shown to reduce cramps associated with menstruation caused by prostaglandin release from the cervix . However if contraindicated early enough medication offer temporary short term relief

2. Hormonal Contraception

Use of oral contraceptives inhibits normal ovulation leading to light flow reduction & stable cycle timings among others extending further to some medical conditions like endometriosis & polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Obtaining such medication at times may require a prescription depending where you live

3. Iron Supplements

Heavy blood loss during periods can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Supplementing with iron or increasing its intake during menses by eating foods rich in heme, the form of iron easily absorbed in our body

4. Herbal Or Homeopathic Remedies

Numerous homeopathic remedies and teas exist promising relief however their clinical effectiveness remains scantily proven we cannot be sure of the exact amount needed to reduce discomfort

Safety Precautions To Consider Before Using Gelatin As A Menstrual Remedy

If you’re set on trying gelatins as a way of reducing menstrual bleeding prematurely here are some safety tips worth following:

  • Speak With Your Doctor: Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement that claims to stop periods before putting these products into actual use.

  • Use Products From Reliable Brands Only: Purchase only from reputable brands that have been tried and tested over time through customer feedback reviews available online which will help determine if this approach is right for your particular situation.

  • Follow The Recommended Dosages: Do not exceed recommended dosages without consulting with your doctor as overdosing increases chance adverse happenings

How To Make A Gelatin Brew For Menstruation Reduction

If you’re curious about making a gelatin brew for menstrual reduction, it’s quite simple! Here are easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Get Unflavored powdered gelatine – found in most groceries-brands but make sure they’re safe for ingestion.
  2. Dissolve desired quantity according guide provided n packing instructions by mixing low fat milk/water/juice depending taste; whey protein powder can also be mixed up for flavor
    3) Drink sip-by-sip when hot but safely cooled down to avoid internal burns.


Using gelatins to stop menstrual bleeding might sound strange, but for some women who swear by it as an effective home remedy. Yet versus the simplicity of recipes; scientific evidence supporting these procedures are limited given various variables and placebo effect involved in any viable claim so far.The possible downsides of taking too much gelatin should not be ignored when making personal choice for therapy approach during menstruation because everyone carries a unique DNA which reacts differently–there is just no one-size-fit-all solution at this moment in history!

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