Does dbt really work?

Are you tired of scrolling through endless articles about dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)? Look no further! This article will give you a unique perspective on whether DBT is worth your time and money.

What even is DBT?

First things first, let’s lay out what DBT actually is. It’s a type of talk therapy that focuses on skills to help individuals manage their emotions, communicate effectively, and reduce risky behaviors. Sounds pretty useful, right? Well hold onto your hats because we’re just getting started.

The origins of DBT

Did you know that DBT originated from actual rats learning how to press buttons for food rewards? Yes, our dear old friend B.F. Skinner discovered operant conditioning with these little critters and then some brilliant therapist came along and applied it to humans! And thus, dialectical behavior therapy was born.

Skills Galore!

One major component of DBT are the various skill sets taught in treatment – mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation…the list goes on. You might be thinking “Wowza! That sounds like something everyone could use” but don’t get too excited yet.


Let’s start with mindfulness – or as I like to call it, attempting not to have your mind wander off at every given moment. If only it were that easy. Sure, practicing meditation or focusing solely on washing dishes may lead towards being more present overall but can one really rely on this tactic when intense feelings come rushing in?

Distress tolerance ain’t all fun and games

Next up- distress tolerance! Sounds like my kinda party…until you realize it basically means learning how to tolerate extreme levels of discomfort without making matters worse by engaging in self-destructive habits such as drugs/alcohol/Netflix binges/etcetera etcetera. Call me crazy, but I don’t know too many folks who willingly seek out intense levels of distress for fun.

Regulate? More like straight-up hide

Lastly, we have emotional regulation – or learning to control your emotions when they get too overwhelming. How dare you imply that my ugly-crying sessions aren’t productive! In all seriousness though, the idea of regulating emotions seems well-intentioned at first glance but can lead towards suppressing our real feelings instead of confronting and working through them.

Therapists are expensive enough as is

Surely these skills and techniques sound valuable – but at what cost? Let’s face it- not everyone has access to mental healthcare with unlimited resources. DBT requires time, money, and energy from both therapists and clients alike. Plus side effects may include increased anxiety levels about “failing” in treatment when progress isn’t seen immediately!

Success stories?

You might be thinking “Okay this is nice…but does it actually work?” The answer is…it depends! Like any therapy approach there are success stories alongside those where individuals didn’t find much benefit or even found DBT harmful

Table Time!

Let’s break down some pros (+) and cons (-) of DBT just for kicks-

Pros Cons
Provides practical May promote
coping strategies avoidance over conveying
actual thoughts/feelings
Current popularity in Expensive
mental health field Requires a lot
emotionally investment

But Seriously Folks…

The bottom line is dialectical behavior therapy won’t magically fix everything (even if it was born from rats experimenting with food). It definitely does work wonders for some people however, so if you’re curious about trying something new then why not give it a go? Just be prepared to put in the time and effort. But let’s be real- always easier said than done, right?

In conclusion…

“Just try therapy” shouldn’t be taken as a cure-all for various issues folks may face. It takes extensive research and self-exploration to truly find something helpful (or completely pointless) for each individual situation. DBT has its perks like any other type of therapy but keep your head up if it doesn’t feel like the right fit! There are plenty of fish in the therapy sea – or so I’ve heard.

So there you have it, dear readers – a humorous take on DBT that hopefully answered some of your questions while providing some chuckles along the way. Now go forth and forget everything you just read because after all, who even knows what they’re talking about these days anyway?

Disclaimer: This article is meant purely for entertainment purposes only, please consult with a licensed professional before embarking upon any form of mental healthcare.

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