Does anxiety build up over time?

Welcome to another episode of your favorite mental health talk show where we discuss all the things that make our brains go haywire. Today, we’re delving into the topic of anxiety and whether or not it accumulates over time. Buckle up buttercup, this is going to be a bumpy ride.

The Basics

Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s do a quick bit on what anxiety is in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years. According to the good old DSM-5 (that’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or worry that doesn’t go away even if there’s no real threat present (fear me).

These disorders can manifest in different ways such as social phobia (fear/hate/discomfort at interacting with others), panic disorder (sudden bouts of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms like chest pain or dizziness) and generalized anxiety disorder (feeling worried about everyday tasks).

But What Causes It?

Anxiety can come from many sources but it usually has something to do with our body thinking there’s danger when there really isn’t any (you hear me singing now don’t you?) For example, sometimes internally stressful financial situations can lead to external stress at work which leads one feeling overwhelmed resulting in feelings of further distress leading then down a spiral towards total breakdown…

But I digress…so basically when our brain senses potential danger such as public speaking or taunting questions from journalists during press conferences through its fight-or-flight mechanism which pumps adrenaline throughout out bodies making us more alert ready for sharp responses..overthinking could also put one into an existential crisis!

Can It accumulate?

So now comes the big question – does anxiety build up over time? Well buckle yourselves again because here comes some science-y stuff.


Cortisol is a hormone that’s released in response to stress. It’s often called the “stress hormone” because it can make you feel…wait for it…stressed! (mind blowing stuff here) The thing about cortisol is that when your body is exposed to chronic stress (e.g., long-term financial instability or social isolation) it tries its best to keep up with the demands, which means producing more cortisol than usual.

According to some studies, this increase in cortisol levels over time can lead to an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders such as PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder- again leading down spirals of never-ending fear and distress.


Anxiety also involves neurotransmitters – chemicals in our brain that send signals between neurons. Two important neurotransmitters involved in anxiety are serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Serotonin regulates mood, while GABA inhibits neuronal activity keeping us calm and collected during hair-raising moments like those present on roller coasters…

Chronic stressors mentioned earlier could alter the balance/production of these two aforementioned neuro-transmissions increasing ones feelings vulnerability towards anxieties over longer periods of time!

Coping Mechanisms

Alright now do not fret just yet dear readers! As Sun Tzu famously said “in every crisis lies opportunity”. There’re plenty ways one could deal with their anxieties before they snowball into full blown disorders accompanied by regular visits from our friendly medical officials.

Exercise/Taking Care Of Your Body:

A disruption(s) between body functioning mechanisms/faculties/departments if left unchecked could find yourself in situations where there magnitudes fold upon themselves causing your heart racing outta control or potentially worse things happening…
One way some individuals prefer coping honing dealing with such situations include exercise, proper diet plan arrangements.. Generally speaking: taking care of our body helps regulate hormones; disruptions to hormone regulation can lead where we already know.


Meditation is another tool that could aid in dealing with anxieties -it certainly helps one navigate the ups and downs of life in better ways.

Professional Help

Last but not least, there’s always professional support for tough situations such as a trustworthy therapist/psychologist who goes through years of schooling and training to help individuals unravel their emotions knot by knot. Don’t be too proud or embarrassed about your brain having tumbles and spirals; seek proper medical/scientific advice whenever necessary!

But Wait There’s More!

Anxiety isn’t an easy condition to deal with as it affects you physically and mentally (BOOMSHAKALAKA). It can hit anyone at any time on our lifeline irrespective of demographics/race/country (isn’t that lovely?).

If anxiety is left unchecked over long periods the dangers specifically associated include develop mental disorders including PTSD.. Whether anxiety builds up or detonates suddenly it demands changes being made, habits modified, guidance taken because ultimately- you matter dear reader!

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