Does ankylosing spondylitis cause nausea?

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably experiencing an uncomfortable rumbling in your tummy and wondering whether it’s related to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Well, my friend, I’m here to tell you that the answer is… drumrollwait for it… possibly.

What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Before we dive too deeply into the topic of nausea and AS, let’s take a minute to talk about what exactly AS is. The short answer? It’s a type of inflammatory arthritis that mainly affects the spine but can also impact other joints like your hips and knees.

Now onto more important matters.

Can AS Cause Nausea?

The quick answer once again? Yes. And no.

Nausea by itself isn’t usually associated with AS; however, many people who suffer from AS often experience other symptoms such as fatigue, pain, or some even complain of chronic migraines (sounds fun).

So while directly causing nausea might not be one of its hallmarks, living with AS could certainly exacerbate or heighten any pre-existing feelings of queasiness.

Why Might Someone With Ankylosing Spondylitis Experience Nausea?

Some possible explanations for why someone suffering from AS might experience bouts of nausea include:

  • Medications: Many common prescriptions used to alleviate joint pain or reduce inflammation have been known to cause nausea as an unfortunate side effect.

    • Example: NSAIDs(Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen
  • Digestive disorders: Other digestive issues such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are much more likely among those diagnosed with conditions like inflammatory arthritis. So if your stomach troubles do stem from something intestinal (wink), it might be related to one of these conditions.

    • FYI – IBS approximately impacts around 10-15% globally
  • Stress and anxiety: Unfortunately, those diagnosed with chronic pain have a higher likelihood of experiencing psychological or mental health troubles such as depression or anxiety, both of which can cause nausea.

So What Can You Do?

If you’re someone who suspects their nausea is a direct result from living with AS, there are several things that you can do to lessen any unpleasant stomach sensations:

1. Be Mindful Of Your Diet

As we just mentioned above, digestive disorders are common among those diagnosed with inflammatory illnesses like AS. Being mindful of what foods and drinks you’re consuming could help alleviate some discomfort.

Foods high in fiber content will often provide relief when dealing with constipation problems (a symptom found in many diagnosed cases). Drinking plenty of water daily should help ease digestion woes while also keeping your joints healthy!

2. Get Moving

Physical activity/Exercises is vital for everyone but perhaps even more so for people suffering from chronic pain! Many doctors recommend exercise programs as they’ve been proven to reduce stiffness (especially in the morning) and improve joint mobility – certainly not referring to the guy-next-door’s yoga class!

By getting yourself into regular physical activities after discussing them with experts/doctors(and not by listening to our friendly neighbourhood trainers) ,you may decrease your chances of suffering gas-related issues(the less said about this,the better it’ll be)

Table Pointers
Exercise Options Reason why
Yoga Improved Flexibility
Swimming Minimal Joint Stress
Aerobics/Cardio Increased Mobility

3. Talk To A Doctor

While nausea is annoying AF/unpleasant at best, sometimes an underlying medical concern could be causing this feeling.. If you begin to expeirence everything from chronic stomach pains and weight loss this may/will lead a significant impact on your body- So why not taking the help of our friendly neighborhoods doctors.


So, can AS cause nausea? The answer’s potentially. It doesn’t always correlate but ongoing symptoms like stress ,poor diet and other side-effects caused by prescribed medication can all be culprits.

However, we hope that our helpful suggestions could give you some clues as to why it might be happening & how can one put an end to this awful pairing so you’ll have more control over yur life than just running into restrooms after each meal with a constant fear lingering over head!

Take care of yourself out there!

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