Does alcohol inflame joints?

We’ve all had that one friend who blames their morning-after joint ache on the booze they guzzled last night. Is there any truth to this? We dug into some research (and a few beers) and found out what’s really going on.

To Drink or Not to Drink

Let’s get this straight – we are not here to tell you whether or not it is okay to drink alcohol. What goes inside your fridge is none of our business, heck even our belly buttons have no say in it! However, we will delve deeper into how alcohol consumption affects your joints.

Nightmare Hangovers

Drinking leads to dehydration which can escalate inflammation throughout several parts of the body causing painful joints after a heavy drinking session. Heavy drinking also messes with sleep cycle leading to fatigue and other complications thereby making hangover caused by alcohols much worse than dehydration alone.

Moreover, drinking just exacerbates current chronic pain methods like fibromyalgia, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis being faced by an individual as these conditions already cause inflammation within the body’s tissues.

Alcohol & Gout: Best Friends Forever?

Many researchers agree upon alcohol being one of the main culprits for gout flare ups that affect people already suffering from it by triggering flares open up more frequent attacks over time over long term storage periods(remember those liquor bottles you’ve been saving for years?). So if you’re someone who has #GOUTPROBLEMS then laying off alcohol may be worth considering. It’s almost like trying bacon and avocado but finding out at first bite that it makes your cholesterol high!

Science Bla-Bla

If hard-core scientific facts induce migraines, you might want skip ahead – don’t worry though because we’ll keep things simple(ish)…

Alcohol contains purines, which eventually build up to form uric acid in the blood. And as most of you all know, gout occurs when excess uric acid crystallizes into sharp little deposits that settle into joints,making them excruciatingly painful.

Several research has shown a clear link between alcohol and gout; according to one study, drinking just two beers can increase the chance of an acute attack by 25% for people with existing gout. Alcohol also halts your liver from removing extra uric acid as effectively it could have without liquor flowing in your veins.

Although some drinks – such as beer or liquors are more prone to triggering attacks compared to others like Wine those who are living with this condition must be vigilant about keeping consumption under control if they want to avoid adding fuel to the inflammatory fire that is present within their bodies..

Joint Inflammation & Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is mostly seen on folks already dealing psoriasis – a skin issue causing red patches usually found around elbows and knees). PA causes joint inflammation which may lead to extreme damage over long periods of time.

But how exactly does alcohol disrupts our bodies’ natural balance and contributes towards inflaming it?

The Bad News: It’s The Chemical Stuff

Hint no #1 – Alcohol contains numerous chemical compounds known set off multiple immune responses which precede degradation of joints

Don’t slip away yet! With every sip we take, ethanol breaks down within our body breakdown by product Acetaldehyde- a compound harmful enough even t ruin best friendships (read irreversible hangovers). As far as PA is concerned acetaldehyde inject itself onto proteins residing deep inside joint tissues through easy access membranes aggravating its overall phenotype.

Importance Of Balanced Diet And Avoiding Booze Overload!

Once again let us reiterate– We’re not trying scare anyone here into thinking “alcohol = bad”! But alcohol is a double-edged sword– in some cases it can help fight off inflammation and ruin your poor-little-joints down the line.

But, on the other hand there are numerous research studies which back up the benefits of adopting balanced diets, incorporating freshly prepared green vegetables especially keeping yourself hydrated with large water intake amounts. These recommendations paired with an avoidance of heavy drinking, creates what we’ll call ‘joint-friendly duo’. The absolute way to avoid inflamed joints? Meh! none exist really as it ultimately depends on variables like genetics or pre-existing joint conditions/comorbidities, but why not give our bodies (and your heads) a fighting chance?

Let’s Get Practical: Joint-Friendly Booze

Liquors wines spirits – oh my! If you’re hoping that Gin and Tonic Fridays won’t harm your joints then look no further!

Choose Wisely – Nobody Wants Hangover Joints!

There exists certain alcoholic beverages such as wine or gin-n-tonic which do not contain any excess sugars compared to beer or sweetened drinks thereby reducing inflammatory responses within our bodies..

Not only does pair reduce chances of hangovers, they also increase blood flow leading better cardio vascular health if taken reponsibly..

It’s typically best to lay off of more lychee saketinis maragritas slushy frozen daquiaries – basically anything sugar-laden because drinking by nature increases buildup within uric acid. And when coupled eventually leads towards inflammations throughout body – whether we feel their effects right away or years later.

So cheers-ing smartly makes all the difference irrespective how much purines liquor may have vs another booze version..

Here are few boozy options for anyone who enjoys unwinding after work but doesn’t want joint pain:

Option Description
Red Wine 🍷 We recommend Pinot Noir preferably, but people have different tastes now don’t they? Red winetrumps all over other alcohols because it contains resveratrol which suppresses inflammatory proteins produced by the body..
Gin with Tonic 🍸 As mentioned earlier gin ad tonics is a perfect low sugar booze option! Don’t hesitate to mix with lime and seltzer for more flavor punch.
Vodka Soda/Lemonade 🤮👈(the soda not vodka) Although lemonade is fine- it’s the excessively carbonated drinks that lead towards joint inflammations.. Friends do not let friends drink pepsi-cola.

In Conclusion

As far as inflammation goes there exists no “yes” or “no” answer for whether alcohol exacerbates inflamed joints every time we give in to a cocktail hour on weekends. Instead, balanced diet must be paired alongside smart alcohol choices differing of individuals’ unique lifestyle habits like taking medications prescribed.

So even while we whole heartedly preach moderation against substances – take care of your most important asset – Your Joints!

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