Does advil help with period cramps?

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you belong to the half of the world’s population who can count on experiencing severe cramping and overall physical discomfort during their menstrual cycle.
Don’t worry, though. Here at Advilympics, we have dedicated our entire lives to explore every possible remedy to alleviate those symptoms and enjoy a pain-free period once and for all.
Out of all NSAIDs available in the market, one product looks like it stands out from the crowd. Yes! I’m talking about good ol’ ibuprofen or Advil as most people know it. But does it actually work? Well, let’s see.

What is period pain?

Before discussing how to ease your suffering with medication…
Let us first take a brief moment to understand what is happening inside your uterus that causes these painful sensations.

In layman’s terms: when there is no fertilized egg present in your ovaries after an ovulation cycle…your uterus decides “no baby today!” flips upside down and starts shedding its inner lining through the cervix into -well- yo pants!
So far so good.

However, if that wasn’t enough: contracting muscles around the uterine wall make sure everything gets ejected outside.
And voila ! You start feeling that sharp knife-like pain around your lower abdomen accompanied by other fashionable features like bloating , diarrhea , headaches etc..

This hormonal rollercoaster usually lasts up till four days but everyone has different tolerance levels. Fun!!

Now back  to science ─ Why does advil potentially work against cramping?

How does Advil work on period cramps?

Advil belongs to a class of anti-inflammatory drugs called NSAIDs (or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The main function of these little guys –except being responsible for killing some humans annually─is inhibiting the production of prostaglandins.

Prostaglandin is a chemical messenger that causes inflammation, fever and pain. It also plays a very important role in the uterus by causing contractions.
If your body releases huge amounts of this little friend during menstruation , it can trigger excessive uterine muscles contractions leading to severe menstrual cramps.Isn’t mother nature wonderful?

Advil works by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase which converts arachidonic acid into various types of prostaglandins.
Therefore if you take Advil (or any other NSAIDs like Aleve or Motrin) prior to or at the beginning stage of your period cycle, they will slow down on producing unnecessary hormones making you feel better.

How effective is Advil against period pain?

Okay let’s get real for a second here. Everyone has different kinds and severity of period problems! Some experience mild bloating while others have unpredictable mood swings as soon as their period starts. So how does one tab fits all?

According to The American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists Consumption 2-3 days before getting those lovely gifts work best because it helps control levels early enough so it doesn’t spiral out of hand .
However avoid taking more than 6 tablets per day.(It won’t help nor make things faster.)
A study published in The Journal Of Women’s Health found out that ibuprofen only worked against moderate-to-severe cramping, but not really helpful for someone with light-no symptoms.

Remember though─everyone responds differently!

Ultimately we recommend consulting with your doctor (if over-the-counter medicine like Advil is ineffective regularly)

What are its side effects ?

As I mentioned earlier, NSAIDs are responsible for many deaths every year hence Like everything else advils aren’t perfect either !
Using them without proper supervision may lead to difficulties ─ some common gastrointestinal ones being nausea,vomiting, bleeding or even dying!( if you fall under the “don’t take NSAIDs”category ,because of side effects).
Other common symptoms include headache, dizziness or rash.

Long-term use of Advil has been linked with an increased risk of gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis and gastric ulcers. It may also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke among some users.
So make sure to get in check with your doctor before deciding on long term medication.


In short : YES! taking therapeutic dosesof Advil is a pretty effective way to minimize cramps during periods but be wary that it’s effectiveness varies from person-to-person, so if one feels like they can tolerate discomfort without resorting to medication, Rock it!

Don’t forget─drink enough water throughout the day (around 3 Liters)and supplement diet by iodine(potassium iodide)&omega-3fatty acids(found in fish oil) .They have no pain-killing effect but Prevents overall inflammation hence lessens severity(well woop there it is folks ).

Remember: periods are hard yet nature’s balancing act .
Take good care of yourself!

Good luck fellow warriors 🙂

PS: Actually I’m lying─there IS no advilympics. Please don’t sue us!

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