Does a shoulder arthrogram hurt?

For those who may be wondering about getting a shoulder arthrogram, you might have some questions, like does it hurt? Is there anything to worry about? Well, never fear my dear reader, I’m here to break down the procedure and answer any burning questions you may have.

What is a Shoulder Arthrogram?

First off, let’s start by defining what exactly is going on during this procedure. A shoulder arthrogram is an imaging test that utilizes X-rays or an MRI in conjunction with contrast dye. The test allows doctors to see detailed images of your shoulder joint and diagnose potential issues such as rotator cuff injuries or labral tears.

How Exactly Does It Work?

Before we dive into whether it hurts or not (the suspense!), let’s break down how it works. During an arthrogram, a radiologist will first insert a small needle directly into your shoulder joint under local anesthesia (no worries folks; they’ll help ease the pain). Once the radiologist has inserted the needle correctly into your joint space, he/she will then inject some contrast dye and remove the needle.

After all of that jazz subsides (‘jazz’ being medical terminology) — yeah… We’re not done just yet – (‘not even close’) You’ll lay beneath an x-ray machine so that doctors can visualize any internal abnormalities within your shoulder tissue using a fluoroscope! Now sit back and relax and hope for no radiation superpowers – kidding!

Potential Discomforts

Now comes THE question: Will it HURT?!

Some discomfort should be anticipated (queue sigh). But hey! if our body isn’t used to foreign objects being jabbed through our skin then why shouldn’t we expect at least little something (a literal prick?).

While patients do typically report feeling pressure during injection of contrast dye there’s no need to worry about excruciating pain.You will be given an injection of a local anesthetic which should help deter any form of extreme discomfort the procedure might bring.

Numbness & Tingling

In line with potential discomforts are numbness and tingling sensations. You may feel these sensations within your arm or hand for up to 24 hours post-procedure, though (FIND RIGHT SYNONYMS) every patient’s experience shall vary from one another.

Risks Involved

Now you may be thinking that this isn’t all that bad, just like getting blood tests. But my friend, along with a little bit of pressure there’s always risk involved!

While rare, infection may still ensue – leading onto long term issues (aka who wants sepsis nowadays). Additionally – Fracture! It is possible for fracture secondary to needle insertion not gonna lie folks YOU can only hope it doesn’t happen during your shoulder arthrogram (queue nervous chuckle) [no stress everything will go juuust fine].

Blood Vessel injury

Another rare but possible consequence would have to do with how deep the fluid goes once injected via radiologist. In some cases,
the contrast dye can enter beyond the joint space into surrounding tissue causing damage- nothing permanent I assure you; mostly bruises’ll fade away in no time!

Preparing For Your Procedure

Before undergoing a shoulder arthrogram you’ll want to make sure that your doctor knows absolutely everything relevant about yourself as well (cry not dear reader! Even our deepest darkest secrets shall remained confined between two parties: us and medical staff).

One important factor worth noting prior would have to include diet restrictions before surgery.. The last thing anyone wants is vomit evinced out yeah? Thus food intake control could benefit tremendously (pretty sneaky huh?).

Medication Use Stoppage

It’s essential pre-surgerical that you undergo an obvious temporary pause of specific medication usage to help steer clear from severe reactions. Blood thinners, such as aspirin and/or warfarin in particular should be avoided for at least a week.

If by any chance this applies to YOU my dear reader take extra precautions or follow through prescriptions intake advised by medics- little hassle means better relief post-op! (I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for patients to adhere strictly) (and believe me when I say; they’re not there just so doctors could have fun)


Ease your mind of fussing about fashion (‘you don’t need Gucci today’) ‘Coz we’re here beneath the trapeze getting ready for our big show: The Arthrogram!

Wear a comfortable shirt that allows easy access around the neck and armpit areas so you’ll stay nice and warm during procedure! Equally, be mindful (but also practical) in choices clothing – bulky attire makes it difficult for technologists performing procedure.


All things considered, there’s nothing nightmarish about shoulder arthrograms –truth is it’s basically like what blood tests are. While risks may still appear present who said anything ever promises guarantee – whether life itself or procedures but these notions shall not dictate bringing down hopes nor ruin intended optimism towards eventually living pain-free (amen).

Be Kind To Yourself After Surgery

Please refer back to prescribed guidelines once released post-procedure which would include activities allowed and those cautioned against doing.
It is strongly recommended rest period mandated before full-on work mode activated again – no real physical exertion intense games of soccer anytime soon mentioned years after surgery… chill out champ let yourself recuperate fully over time 🙂

Cheers and chin up people ONWARD TO A HEALTHY BODY!

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