Do you need a prescription for promescent?

Listen, buddy. I’m not here to judge you. We’ve all been there. Trying to spice things up in the bedroom and ending up feeling like we need an instruction manual just to get started. It happens to the best of us wink.

So if you’re wondering, “Do I need a prescription for Promescent?” then let me give it to you straight (just like your dare I say it limp noodle).

What is Promescent?

Before we dive into whether or not you need a prescription for this magical spray, let’s talk about what it actually is.

Promescent is essentially a numbing spray that helps men last longer during sex. Yep, you read that right – NUMBING SPRAY.

Now before you start freaking out thinking, “I don’t want my manhood going numb!” hear me out.

The active ingredient in Promescent is lidocaine which helps decrease sensitivity without completely eliminating sensation altogether…so no worries about turning into Jon Snow from Game of Thrones down there (winter has come indeed).

So Do You Need A Prescription For This Bad Boy?

Good news fellas (and ladies who are reading this because they care about their partner’s sexual wellness), you do not need a prescription for Promescent!

That’s right – no awkward conversations with your doctor necessary!

It can be purchased over-the-counter at most major drugstores as well as online retailers such as Amazon and (score!).

Happy hunting!

How Does It Work?

Okay but seriously though, how does putting lidocaine on your junk make things better?

Well first off, let me tell ya…it doesn’t work overnight (unfortunately) so don’t expect immediate results after one use.

Once applied directly onto the penis (yes very sexy I know), Promescent takes about 10 minutes to take effect. During that time, the lidocaine absorbs into the skin and helps desensitize nerve endings which in turn prolongs sexual stamina for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

The best part? It doesn’t transfer to your partner (woohoo!) so you can still feel intimacy without losing sensation completely.

How Do You Use It?

Now that we’ve established you don’t need a prescription and it won’t make your peen fall off (pheww!), let’s talk about how to actually use this bad boy.

  1. Apply directly onto penis
  2. Wait approximately 10 minutes for it to absorb
  3. Wash/wipe off any excess before engaging in intercourse
  4. Enjoy longer lasting sex

See? Piece of cake (chocolate cake if you’re lucky).

One thing to note though is that everyone’s body chemistry is different so finding the perfect dosage may require experimentation on multiple occasions beforehand (what a fun obstacle course). Start with one spray and go from there until you find what works best for you.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Ah yes, the dreaded side effects question…but have no fear! The good news is – there aren’t many!

Promescent has been clinically tested by urologists and dermatologists alike and found to be safe when used as directed (that means spraying it all over your face won’t help you last longer fellas)

The only reported minor side effects are slight numbness (obviously) or tingling but those typically subside quickly after finishing up business.

So What’s The Verdict?

In conclusion folks, whether or not you decide Promescent is worth trying out is ultimately up to personal preference…but if anything else, at least now ya know – NO PRESCRIPTION NECESSARY!

So go forth and make your sex life spectacular! (because let’s be real – nobody likes a two-pump chump).

And there you have it folks, everything ya need to know about Promescent. Now go on – get outta here and try not to slip on any banana peels or private parts (ouchie).

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