Discover the Power of Golden Milk Ayurveda

If there’s one thing we all can agree on, it’s that milk and honey are delicious. But have you ever heard of golden milk? It might sound like a made-up concoction for some hipster café menu, but actually, it dates back centuries in India as part of Ayurvedic medicine.

Curious about this magical drink? Well then hold on tight, ’cause we’re going to take a deep dive into what makes golden milk so special.

What is Golden Milk Ayurveda?

Golden Milk is a spiced whole-milk beverage originally from India. The main ingredient in golden milk is turmeric – not just any old turmeric though! It has to be super psychedelic bright yellow colored because without it, your milk will simply not look as glorious.

Ayur-what now? You may ask. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered: Ayurveda (ah-yer-vay-da) is an ancient system of natural healing that originated in India over 5,000 years ago.

According to the tenets of ayurveda, health involves balancing three elemental energies called doshas – Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth). They are what make up everything in nature including our bodies!

So when we consume food or drinks that complement our individual doshic balances, we promote self-healing and overall better health.. Now do you get where I’m going with this?

How to Make Your Own Golden Milk at Home

Now let’s talk turkey – how do I become one with my inner doshic balance via delicious warm goodness?

Here’s how:

– 2 cups whole cow/replacement/ alternative /ding-dong-ditch-the-moo juice/etc…
– 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger (gimme some zinggg baby)
– 1 tablespoon grated fresh turmeric (gloves up! Get a load of the yellow fingers me mateys)
– 2 sticks of cinnamon
– pinch of black pepper (just like my jokes… essential, pal!)

1. Pour milk into saucepan and add ginger to it
2. Turn on heat and begin heating your fromage delight medium-high (or high for plant-based alternatives – lactose intolerant people listen up!)
3. Add the turmeric, but be warned, that stuff stains everything so cover your bodies in cling-wrap or just wear clothes you don’t care about.
4. Continuing to stir occasionally, let milk come to a boil
5. Add the cinnamon sticks once you reach boiling point (atta’ girl/boy/snail/human!)
6. Reduce the heat to low and allow mixture to simmer for 20 minutes
7. Before serving, sprinkle with some black pepper

And there you have it – golden milk goodness!

Benefits of Golden Milk Ayurveda

Now onto an even more exciting part: all those sweet sweet health benefits baby.

First off we’ve got good ol’, trusty Tumeric –

Turmeric’s Benefits:

Turmeric is simply gold dust when it comes to natural medicine (no pun intended). Here are its key super-powers:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties (‘Memba The 5 Symptons Of Inflammation?’):

Curcumin is found in tumerics; this molecule is thought to fight inflammation at molecular levels.

As cool as this sounds, many studies back up these promises! In fact – look how great speaking third person actually sounds when discussing science!,it has shown potential healing capabilities on diseases with root inflammatory causes including heart disease,cancer and Alzheimer’s – wohooo!

So next time someone threatens world war III via eye contact with you– whip out your flask of golden milk and cure them!

Immune System Booster:

Tumerics’ antiseptic properties means it has the potential to boost your immune response. It’s even thought that turmeric may be able to help fight off illness.

Let’s just say you’ll be unbreakable with a spoonful of golden milk in you first thing each day!

Ginger Benefits (‘It Aint Just for Sushi Anymore!’):

Now let’s talk ginger – zingy, tasty, magnificent ginger. What can’t this root do?

Gastrointestinal Aid:

Ginger has an age-old reputation for being amazing for digestive issues such as nausea or morning sickness but here is how:

The plant compounds present in ginger helps speed up stomach contractions while promoting food absorption among other things.

This wonder spice does all of so much more than add flavor – it comes through stronger than burnt toast support group meetings(these are real by the way) when fighting off bugs and daily bodily foes.

Muscle Pain Buster:

Last on our list we take a look at The humble Ginger once again; folks believe that thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects along with aiding digestion, habitually consuming ginger had led to better muscle recovery after workouts like jogging

So there ya have it — sip that spicy yellow elixir before or after summertime exercise (or winter time sitting-on-the-couch-ness).

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for something flavorful yet healthy, then Golden Milk Ayurveda could be right up your alley. Packed full of goodies such as turmeric and ginger(both potent roots) , drinking Golden Milk can improve immunity..digestion,support muscles…the list goes on really..

Plus let’s not forget all those Instagram likes from vibrant photos because whato’ dazzling presentation this drink photo makes eh mate? Take on magical India through every cuppa’magic.

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