Detoxify Your Life: Stay Away from Toxic People Quotes

We all love being around people who uplift us, encourage us, and make us feel happy. But every now and then, we find ourselves in the company of people who do the exact opposite — they drain our energy and make us miserable. These toxic individuals can come in many forms such as friends, family members or colleagues. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to identify these people and some funny quotes that you can use to motivate yourself away from their influence.

What are toxic people?

Toxic people are those who have a negative impact on your life through their words or actions. They usually exhibit traits such as selfishness, constant complaining or pessimism, always try to belittle others or unwillingness to take jokes at themselves. Whatever form it may take; if an individual drains your positive energy continually over time- he/she shouldn’t be given so much attention by you.

Detoxifying your life means taking charge of whatever relationship(s) impacts you negatively in order not to limit growth.

Characteristics of Toxic People

1 ) They constantly criticize you

Toxic individuals are never satisfied with anything anyone does for them no matter how well-intentioned it is ,they will tear down efforts with unending ridicule and criticism . No constructive critique will ever show up hence causing Unnecessary frustration having expended minimal effort(s).

“A true friend kindly goes out of his way
just to bring happiness & joy into one’s heart.
A fake friend rudely shows up only if there’s something
in it for him.” -Chinaah

2 ) Always Blaming Someone Else

Everything that not right must belong elsewhere- never mind whose responsibility it might have been initially.They completely shut out any chance of owning previous mistakes preferring instead to blame someone else .

“If I’m upsetti/spaghetti,
I should just forgetti/regretti/blame someone else-etti.”-Unknown

3 )They never take accountability for their actions

Any issue raised against them or whatsoever they do is always waved off. Often times, toxic people would master the art of shifting blame and responsibility to others while distancing themselves from any form of retribution.

“In life,you’re going to be left out,
Talked about, lied to and used.
So you might as well learn to do things on your own,
Because in the end,it’s only you.”

4) They patronize

Toxic people have an unhealthy need for control, which is why they often try to belittle or push down anyone who opposes or criticizes their methods.Once they establish mental superiority over a particular subject matter – whether more proficient than them or not -they’ll speak with utter confidence.

“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings when I called
you stupid.I really thought you already knew.”-Unknown

How To Identifying Toxic individuals:

Now that we’ve examined some general traits of toxic people , we can go ahead into spotting similar pattern(s).

Here are a few indicators:

  1. Failure To Take Responsibility: If an individual finds every way possible(probably by manipulating events)to avoid responsibility WALK AWAY.

  2. Their Loquacity masks Insecurity : More often than none, deprecatory comments leave behind trail(through various means like criticism etc.) when said person feels uncomfortable around something/someone . Walk away fastt!

  3. Mirrors Aren’t Their Friends:

These category of persons tend not mirror pepople.They keep rather tensed expressions while being hair-trigger tempered at seemingly immaterial moments.Flies away? Perfect excuse MOVES NEEDED IMMEDIATELY

  1. You’re Always On Their “Lame List”:
    Most times,their demeanour screams vicious. Mention something that they might feel threatens their ego? You definitely become an enemy who gets caught out in the open.

TIP: Jump off immediatley!!

Funny Quotes To Help Detoxify Your Life

If you find yourself in a toxic relationship or situation with someone (Yes I mean it – W A L K AW AY), here are some funny quotes to help keep you motivated.

  1. “Why did I stay up so late last night?! Oh yeah- to avoid going to bed and facing reality!” —unknown
  2. “Let’s make like Tom and Cruise out of here.” –Unknown
  3. “Seize the moment because tomorrow you might be dead.”
    —Buffy Summers
  4. “A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug”
    –Patricia Neal
    5.“I’m not arguing.I’m just explaining why i’m right.”– Unknown


Detoxing your life sometimes means making tough decisions on relationships which could have limiting factors on success or internal growth.Funny motivating phrases such as those curated above can serve as reminders on how best to address negative energy within our lives.

In summary,don’t allow anyone dim your light(enjoyment,time,happiness..)just because their eyes have gotten used to its shine(Don’t just say it wake awaaayyy……).

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