Create Your Dream Guy: The Build a Boyfriend Game

Are you tired of swiping through countless dating profiles, only to find disappointment?

Do you wish that there was an easier way to find your perfect match without all the hassle and heartache?

Well, look no further than the ‘Build a Boyfriend’ game!

This innovative app allows you to design your dream guy from scratch, ensuring that every element of his personality and appearance is tailored specifically to your preferences.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s start building!

Creating Your Profile

Before we begin designing the ultimate boyfriend prototype, let’s create a profile on this remarkable app.

Here are some basic details required:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender Identity (man/woman/non-binary)
  • Sexual Orientation (straight/gay/bisexual/pansexual/etc.)
  • Location

Once these details have been filled in, it’s time to get started on constructing our very own custom-made companion.

Designing Appearance Features

The first step is creating our ideal partner’s physical traits. Do you prefer someone tanned with yellow hair or freckled with red locks? Make these decisions now! Here are some aesthetic features from which you can choose:

Skin Tone Options

  • Pale 🧛‍♀️🤍
  • Tanned ☀️🏖️
  • Medium 🌦️👨‍⚕️

Hair Texture Options

  • Straight 💁‍♂️💁‍♀️
  • Wavy 🌊😎
  • Curly 👨‍🦱💃

Hair Color Palette

We’ve got every color under the sun here!
[name various colors and their paired emojis]

You can also specify other features such as eye colour 😎 , beard/mustache combos 👨‍❤️‍👨, height 📏 , education 🎓 and profession 💼.

Creating Personality Traits

Are you looking for a spontaneous comedian or an analytical introvert? An open-minded empathizer who values politics or someone more creatively oriented?

With the Build a Boyfriend app, you can shape your perfect partner’s personality traits too! Here are some options:

Trait 1:

  • Empathetic😇
  • Adventurous🗺️
  • Ambitious💡

Trait 2:

  • Funny 😂
  • Analytical 🔬
  • Creative 🌈

Trait 3:

  • Honest 👀
  • Loyal 💖
  • Open-minded ✨

You don’t have to pick only three traits as we recognise nobody is quite that simple. However if there’s anything irrelevant, please swipe it off.

This part of the application will establish what this person could bring into conversations about things like travel, culture or even their favourite TV show!

Selecting His Hobbies

Now that so much has been customised let’s move on with his interests which would complement yours. What does he like doing during spare time?

Here are some preloaded hobbies:

  • Reading Books📚 (Sci-fi/Fantasy/Tragedy etc.)
  • Watching Movies/Series(favorite genre?)
  • Playing video games(multiplayer/solo)
  • Cooking/baking(deep fry/expert dessert maker)

Throw in additional activities such as hiking/climbing mountains🧭⛰️, playing instruments guitar/piano/violin/drums etc.) and dancing(by type) depends entirely upon us!

By now we have finished creating our dream boyfriends right before our eyes! All these parameters could be managed for multiple types of guys.

If you’re happy with all selections made select “Done” button . Convolutions of selections would then be calculated by our algorithm according to your preferences to create the ultimate piece de resistance!

Your Dream Guy is Here!

You’ll notice that after tapping done, a newly generated boyfriends character will appear on-screen within minutes. It’s important to accept minor flaws since nobody’s perfect! You may look anxiously as the profile takes its shape: his curly hair (making sure it’s not too curly), fabulous green glinting eyes and an analytical mind all assemble together in one profile picture.

If you’re happy at first glimpse congratulations , he’s all yours now – yes literally, give him a name and enjoy your “Build-a-boyfriend” companion with very customised conversations 🥂👫

We hope this fun game served a rebound from dating scars producing highly accurate match customization techniques which weren’t possible before until today.

So go ahead, download Build A Boyfriend app and finally meet that someone special created just for you. Happy swiping 💘

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