Coccidioidomycosis immitis?

Coccidioidomycosis immitis, or as it is more commonly known Valley Fever, is a serious fungal infection caused by Coccidioides immitis. This microscopic fungi lurks in the arid regions of the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico, where it awaits its unsuspecting victim(s).

But don’t let this tiny menace fool you! It might be small but when it attacks, it strikes with a vengeance, causing feverish nights and painful symptoms that can last for weeks.

In this article, we will dive deep into this underestimated illness and how to protect yourself from falling prey to its infectious ways. So buckle up because things are about to get fun!

What is Coccidioidomycosis Immitis?

Cocci what? Yeah, we know pronouncing c-o-c-c-i-d-i-o-i-d-o-m-y-c-o-s-i-s i-m-m-i-t-i-s isn’t the easiest thing around here (cue tongue twister challenge). But all jokes aside; Coccidioidomycosis Immitis or Valley Fever for short – definitely doesn’t come close in terms of being an easy-peasy disease either.

This fever-causing fungus thrives in dry soil and feeds off organic matter such as dead plant debris which ultimately becomes dust (what?). And just like that ‘poof’ before you know it-itty-bitty spores carrying cocci start swirling around us multiplying at lightning speed ready to invade anything living nearby including humans.

It’s important not to underestimate any kind of fungi period because although they may seem innocent things can definitely escalate quickly.
So keep your guard up- there could be cocci anywhere.

How Is It Contracted?

Well well well.. aren’t you curious about how these little germs can infiltrate your system?
The answer is as simple as breathing no really. That’s what it comes down to, everyone breathes but when you inhale the i-m-m-i-t-i-s spores present in the dirt and dust around southwestern US regions (e.g San Joaquin Valley) bam! They begin their invasion within your body.

However, don’t start panicking about a walk outside just yet because not every exposure leads to this fungal infection. Sometimes people don’t even realize they ever had it and are able to fight off coccidioidomycosis immitis without any need for treatment.

You might get lucky – but then again if you’re reading this article there’s probably good reason on why you shouldn’t risk that gamble wink winks

Common Symptoms

It won’t be fun discovering you contracted cocci- think hot summer fever level x 10 invading your already exhausted being kind of thing not ideal.
But how would I know I have Cocci?, I hear none of y’all ask.

Common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Chest Pain
  • Sweating A Ton
  • Weight Loss #yikes

These usually appear after one or two weeks following a contraction — In some cases signs take months before appearing though -yeah no thank you!

How Is The Diagnosis Done?

So let’s say some(or all) of the common symptoms above decide to grace us with their presence, we could whisk ourselves over to our nearest physician who will organize an exam confirm inoculation by carrying out blood tests (or biopsy samples if organ involvement.)

History-taking: Medical professionals typically run through medical history questions focusing on patients travelling histories or whereabouts at times-of-exposure instances like construction sites.. camping activities….. et al; where these harmful microbes reside waiting patiently for new hosts-to-be infected.

Hypersensitive reaction tests (skin prick test): The skin is pricked with a needle containing coccidioidin derivate which confirms previous exposure to cocci. This however does not give information on whether the person has contracted it.

Tests For Fungi Itself: If the initial steps above all point towards it, diagnosing could be done by taking fungal culturing samples from tissues or sputum similarly confirmed through serology blood test. Thus, leading the physician a step closer and providing needed info for medication choices.


No need to freak out at this stage just yet as there are medications designed specifically for tackling tiny fungi, otherwise known as antifungal agents or simply mentioned Azoles – but then you did again if we’re being honest ;).

  • Antifungals: Prescribed antifungals that suppress active germ multiplication (like azole products) thus slowing down their progression until they eventually die off while allowing immune systems of individuals battle against remaining dormant spores successfully.
    In other cases where cocci growth multiplies rapidly; different combinations of intravenous caspofungin and voriconazole infusions fight off disseminated infections caused by cocci quickly in immunocompromised patients.

Additional Preventative Measures:

Apart from prescribed antifungal drugs some add-ons preventive measures should be considered when living in areas prone to Coccidioidomycosis Immitis endemics;

  • Know your region’s seasons; during dry periods levels of dust pollution rise-up leading into an increase in infection rates.

  • Air cleanliness ensured within home/work spaces can keep indoor air quality standards up minimizing risk exposure


That said, try periodical checks such as lung scans..chest x-rays…checking in with your medical professional regularly even after treatment – because neglect is never anyone’s friend !


Okay, let’s get serious! Coccidioidomycosis immitis may be a tongue-twister of a name but don’t confuse it with something you can’t take seriously.

These microscopic fungi might not seem like much at first glance, but if they infect your system, it could lead to illness that won’t leave for weeks.

So always be vigilant and pay attention to the symptoms we pointed out above if you’re living in areas prone to cocci outbreaks just as much as practicing (and enjoying) activities becoming lifestyle-defining features of southwestern United States such as camping or gardening etc.

And don’t forget; When Feeling Sick Always Think Of – The COCCI-STATEMENT

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