Choosing Happiness: The Age-Old Dilemma of Being Right or Happy

Have you ever found yourself in an argument, defending your point of view with such fervor that all you want is for the other person to see how right you are? And even if they do acknowledge your perspective, there’s still a nagging feeling deep inside that creates lingering dissatisfaction. Congratulations! You’ve just been caught in the age-old dilemma of being right or being happy.

What is this Dilemma?

This dilemma can present itself in many scenarios – be it office politics, family gatherings or social media conversations. It stems from our innate need to feel validated and heard; when we’re not able to get these basic human desires met, frustration sets in leading us down a path where we fiercely defend our opinion.

Defending Your position Can Be Detrimental To Your Growth

While standing up for what we believe might give us momentary satisfaction and validation, it can also be detrimental to our growth as individuals. When involved in any kind of conflict situation, our ego takes over and presents being right as the ultimate goal without understanding its costs. Winning at any cost leads to damaged relationships,additionally,you lose opportunities to learn important life lessons

Understanding How Attachment Impacts Our Decision-making Process

To truly understand why choosing happiness is essential,it’s important to comprehend how attachment impacts our decision-making process. As humans striving towards self-improvement and success in every aspect of life,it’s natural for usto attach ourselves heavily towards achieving goals.Additionally, when we don’t achieve something which holds emotional significance – like winning an argument – cognitive dissonance sets off creating negative emotions leading us astray from positivity.

Making conscious choices driven by positive intentions enhances willpower enabling detachment.So next time you find yourself wanting/needing a conclusion where only one side emerges as ‘right’,pause. How about exploring how happy you could be by temporarily placing your ego on hold?

Life is too short to always hide behind the shield of right and wrong.

List down the Top 5 Occasions Where a Need to Defend oneself Unexpectedly Sours The Mood

Below are some circumstances that we have all experienced where defending ourselves aggressively ends up causing more harm than good:

Situation Effect of being overly defensive
Political debates with family or friends Damages relationships creating rift within personal circles
Meeting New People Over Drinks & Food Affects interpersonal dynamics negatively due to aggressive/defensive behavior)
Disagreements in office meetings Creates an uncomfortable atmosphere impacting productivity
Online Conversations About Opinions Leads to fighting over trivial issues amplifying negativity online

Remember, being ‘right’ doesn’t always lead to happiness; sometimes learning through deliberation can turn into joy.

Why Choosing Happiness Is Important?

‘The paradox of human experience is that trying (too) hard not making mistakes keeps us from experiencing …the chance at real success’, says David McRaney. And this couldn’t be any truer for situations like these. When we become adamant about our point of view not recognizing others’ perspectives it creates a loss in opportunities regarding success both personally and professionally.

By choosing peace over conflict, time spent worrying about why someone else can’t see things your way ultimately becomes excess baggage taking up precious brain space which could power creative thinking instead

Strategies For Choosing Happy

Now that you know what your choices might result in i.e picking success over self-growth whilst forgetting the important lesson- choosing happiness let’s look at strategies one could follow while navigating this tricky dilemma!

Approach Conversations With An Open Mindset Ambiguity Quotient! (AQ)

When faced with a potentially conflictual conversation, take a step back and analyze your AQ- aka Ambiguity quotient. Congrats to professor Katy DeCelles — who created the term!!

AQ is about being vulnerable enough to recognize one’s cognitive limitations or in other words, understanding your actual expertise over believing assumptions. You must be able to adapt whenever needed when dealing conflicts, join forces instead of one-sided approach.

Give Them Space To Breathe So That Both Of You Win In The Long Run

Disagreements get heated between parties because both parties feel unheard and neglected. To avoid becoming defensive or frustrated ask yourself: What if I stop talking long enough for them (others)to speak?


Choosing happiness doesn’t always seem like the easy route out but it gives us so much more clarity than any routine victory we could ever attain by defending ourselves aggressively! Positive intentions lead to healthy thought processes driven by productive rather than destructive decisions thereby shaping successful individuals capable of nurturing positive outcomes. Thankfully strategies can be tailored across various human dimensions allowing real-time decision-making backed with emotional intelligence!

So go ahead break that age-old cycle – choose happy 🙂

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