Can you take melatonin when pregnant mayo clinic?

Pregnancy can be a challenging and stressful time, especially for new mothers who might experience sleep disruptions. Many pregnant women turn to supplements like melatonin to help them sleep better. However, the big question is whether or not it’s safe to use during pregnancy. We’ve looked into this topic and consulted with experts at the Mayo Clinic to provide you with accurate information on taking melatonin when pregnant.

What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that regulates your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. It’s commonly used as a supplement because it can help people overcome insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Can You Take Melatonin While Pregnant?

The short answer is: it depends. There haven’t been any definitive studies showing that melatonin causes birth defects or complications during pregnancy (although more testing needs to be done)[1]. However, obstetricians usually recommend avoiding all medications (including supplements) during pregnancy unless they are essential for health reasons.

Why Do People Take Melatonin When Pregnant?

Many women have difficulty sleeping while pregnant due to hormonal changes in their bodies; this can result in chronic fatigue, which impacts both physical and mental health. Prenatal vitamins often include added substances such as iron that typically cause nausea making falling asleep even difficult than usual among some of these expecting moms keep tossin’ n’ turns begging for absolute respite from constant worries about life/caring about incoming baby/constant restroom breaks…the list goes on [2]. In general, expectant mums turning towards this hormone don’t care whether it is considered ‘safe’ by researchers because they need anything providing relief!

Risks Of Taking Melatonin While Pregnant

Although no major risks have been discovered regarding low-dose usage of melatonin throughout gestation period[3], larger doses could contribute to architectural deficiencies in the limbic system or cerebellum of a fetus’ brain[4]. Possible negative side effects can include drowsiness, headaches, and even depressive episodes so it is recommended for pregnant women to interact with their healthcare professional before popping any pill form[dosage can vary greatly/person-to-person/administered orally up to 10mg-15 mg at bedtime daily], liquid, or gummy shapes.

What Are The Benefits Of Melatonin During Pregnancy?

Melatonin helps expecting mothers fall asleep more readily alongand enjoy deep sleep cycles than taking hours tossing amid anxiety-filled dream sequences. Furthermore, melatonin supplements with small doses could actually stimulate breast milk production once women have given birth![7]

When Should You Not Take Melatonin While Pregnant?

Despite potential benefits from this supplement’s usage for most expecting moms suffering from sleeping disorders, many are still wary about whether they should consume melatonin while gestating. There’s been data that suggests suppressed ovulation occurs during regular use so which makes sense because like mentioned earlier – hormones fluctuate drastically beforehand.

Furthermore , there’re no studies on the long-term impact of melatonin consumption during pregnancy stages leading scientists not knowing how it affects infants born from such pregnancies after decades go by etc making final judgment impossible without further study into these factors [8].

If you struggle with low-energy levels causing sleep disorders throughout your expectancy experience then require medical advice as soon as feasible! A physician will be able prescribe proper medicament determining dosage of misinterpretation surrounding aspects arising aforementioned; since every mum is unique unto herself whenit comes down individual needs being met

In summary: If you wish to take ]melatoninsupplements whilst gestating , please discuss it first with a medical professionall before embarking upon doing something new). It might help improve pregnant mama’s sleep quality issues but its safety depends on several factors — namely dose and usage length . New evidence could arise at any moment, so always check with doctors whenever you have doubts about the application of melatonin during pregnancy.

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