Can you poop with a hemorrhoid?

Welcome to the ultimate guide on pooping with hemorrhoids! We know that dealing with those pesky, painful bumps can be quite an uncomfortable experience, especially when it comes to doing your business. But fear not my friend! In this article, we will answer all of your burning questions about whether or not you can poop with hemorrhoids and provide some helpful tips to make the process as smooth (and pain-free) as possible.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Before we dive into our main topic of interest – what happens when nature calls – let’s first talk about what hemorrhoids are. Essentially, a hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the lowest part of your rectum and anus area. They may form inside or outside of the anal canal and come in two types: internal or external.

Internal vs External

Internal hemorrhoids occur within the rectum while still being invisible unless they protrude through the anus as prolapsed internal piles. On their own such haemorrhoid cushion tissue is necessary for continence however prolapsed haemorrhoid pushes out during defecation which causes strain, irritation & pain around them resulting in more swelling again making emptying difficult after each repetitive cycle.
On the other hand, external piles appear on skin surrounding where colon exits body below dentate line either single or multiples called tags due increased pressure from straining during bowel movement.

Now that we’ve established what these little buggers are let’s get down to business!

Can You Still Poop Normally With Hemorrhoids?

The short answer is yes – but it can definitely be more challenging than usual. Depending on where exactly your hemorrhoids are located (internal versus external), you might find yourself experiencing varying levels of discomfort when trying to go number 2.

The Pain Factor

External piles tend to cause more immediate pain while passing stool since they are located in a more sensitive area close to the anal opening. This means that during bowel movements, the hemorrhoids may get irritated and swollen making passage more difficult causing burning, itching sensation due to cuts & rips from hard stool passing over them.

Internal piles on the other hand are generally less painful but may cause some bleeding as you go about your business.

The Challenge

Furthermore, if you’re dealing with particularly large hemorrhoids or experiencing significant inflammation and swelling, emptying your bowels can become even more of a challenge than usual.

Overall despite these extra challenges it is still possible to poop normally with hemorrhoids however there are ways that one can make this process much smoother (no pun intended).

Tips for Pooping With Hemorrhoids:

Below we’ve compiled some helpful tips to aid in easing out those stubborn stools when struggling through diet or medicines aren’t working (always consult a doctor before trying anything new)

High Fiber Foods

Foods rich in fiber such as fruits & vegetables help avoid constipation which in turn prepares soft stools thus avoiding any straining on already inflamed haemorrhoid tissue around anus. Additionally consuming plenty of water regulates metabolism facilitating smooth flow.

Some examples of high-fiber foods include:

  • Beans
  • Whole grains
  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
    -One should cut back on processed foods as well as caffeine beverages like tea/coffee having diuretic properties drying out precious liquid source needed by body leading dehydration increasing chances hence risks.

While adding fibre overconsumption causes excessive gas bloating and cramps disrupting gut functions so have only adequate amount will suffice benefits.

Lidocaine Creams / Ointments

Topical creams/ointments contain lidocaine numbing agent helpful taking edge off reducing pain arising due to pooping aiding relaxation anorectal junction walls allowing larger lumen for stool. So don’t be shy, get out those creams and make use of them!

Sitz Baths

No not a bath for your bottom silly goose! A sitz bath is where all one does is fill up on warm water in a large bowl or bathtub in which then you are able to soak the hemorrhoid area- well this makes more sense yeah? This can help keep inflammation down allowing nerve endings relaxation easing off discomfort allowing better passage during defecation process.

Stool Softeners

Often times it’s hard stools causing all the trouble but have no fear – stool softeners may help to prevent any unnecessary straining by making poop more bowel movement-friendly. Some popular brands include Peri-Colace, Dulcolax (be sure to read dosage instructions on products).

Over-The-Counter Hemorrhoidal Treatments

While there are numerous treatments available that cater specifically towards treating hemorrhoids few examples:

1) Creams containing hydrocortisone: helpful bringing inflammation levels down reducing itch.
2) Witch hazel wipes/pads great cleansing irritant relief plus antibacterial properties importantly keeping hygiene sanctity intact avoiding fecal matter contact with open wounds .
3) Medicated wipes Rich in vitamin E moisturising lubricating preventing skin cracks & dryness healthy elasticity of anal sphincter muscle increase peristalsis contraction.

Foods To Avoid (Only During an Episode Of Flaring)

As we mentioned earlier constipation can exacerbate issues leading further pain so here some additional things best avoided until symptoms have settled:

  • Spicy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Processed junk food/fast food as they lead dehydration due excessive fats salts etc.
    By spacing meals small plates frequently throughout stay hydrated vitamins minerals needs fulfilled body functions optimally .


Ultimately, having hemorrhoids doesn’t mean you need to avoid pooping altogether! While it might be uncomfortable at times and easy to squirm over it (ooof), by following some of these helpful tips and tricks, you can make the process so much smoother experience all-round.

Remember despite how hard things might get just know- this too shall pass (no pun intended) in due time with apt care & enough patience.

Happy pooping!

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