Can you od on effexor?

If you’re taking Effexor or thinking about doing so, you must have heard the question already. “Can you OD on Effexor?” is one of the most common questions asked by people who take this medication themselves, care for someone on it, or are just curious about antidepressants.

The short answer? Yes, but it’s not as straightforward as it sounds.

What is Effexor?

Effexor (venlafaxine) is a prescription medication primarily used to treat depression and anxiety disorders. However, doctors may also prescribe it off-label in some cases such as:

  • Panic attacks
  • Social phobias
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Migraine headaches

Effexor works by increasing levels of two neurotransmitters – serotonin and norepinephrine – in the brain.

It comes in immediate-release tablet form which has to be taken up to three times a day with food. Or prolonged-release form which requires only one dose per day without food.

Can You Overdose on Any Drug?

Before getting into how much of Effexor can be considered an overdose let’s define what ‘overdose’ means across all drugs.

An overdose happens when too much of any substance gets into our system than our bodies can handle safely. That said, drug overdoses occur from both recreational use and accidental misuse.

So How Much Of Anything Is A Deadly Amount?

Overdose thresholds vary depending on several factors such as age, sex/gender identity/body weight/overall health condition/alcohol consumption/tolerance level/history/past experiences etc.

Also keep in mind that individuals may react differently despite being exposed to similar amounts under identical conditions.

Here’s how different types of substances work:


Alcohol, the most commonly abused drug worldwide, is responsible for more drug-related emergency room visits than any other substance. It tends to take a toll on our dehydrated bodies bringing cognitive impairment.


Opioid overdose has become a major problem in many countries around the world with people dying from opioids every day.

In 2017 alone there were over 47k opioid-related overdose fatalities in America itself.


Cocaine users tend to be at risk of acute heart issues causing cardiac arrest and sudden death.


Though not lethal cannabis abuse affects brain function; interferes with attention span, memory recall and feelings of paranoia or agitation.

The bottom line? Experiment cautiously whenever you try something new. Even seemingly harmless drugs could have dangerous side effects when combined with others.

The Numbers Game

Let’s get back on track – how much Effexor does it take to OD?

Here are some ballpark numbers:

Dosage (mg) Probability of Overdose
>375 High
512 mg can cause seizures while doses higher than 900 mg may lead to extremely serious toxicities such as serotonin syndrome.

An important thing to consider here is whether the dose was taken all at once or incrementally throughout the day.

Effexor has an extended half-life meaning it would usually take two days before excess toxicity builds up in your system. As opposed to short-acting benzodiazepines which only stay active for several hours after ingestion.It’s worth noting that dosage tolerance can vary between individuals depending on sex/gender identity/body weight/overall health condition/alcohol consumption/tolerance level/history/past experiences etc.

Symptoms of an Effexor Overdose

So now you know what’s safe and what isn’t – but how do you know if someone took too much Effexor? Here are the most common symptoms to watch out for:

  • Skin rash and itching
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Dizziness, headache
  • Dry mouth, sweating
  • Drowsiness, fatigue or excessive sleep
  • Increased blood pressure and/or heart rate

If any of these occur after an Effexor overdose get yourself admitted to a hospital immediately.

Can You Die From An Effexor Overdose?

The highest number of overdoses in relation to Effexor seem not to be associated with taking too much venlafaxine alone.

That cited fatalities involving multiple substances including alcohol with high doses topping 1200mg per day over extended periods.

Suicide Attempts

Although it is relatively rare people who try suicide through prescribed medication tend to take higher dosages than recommended.

So yes it’s dangerous but mainly when abused recreationally taken together with other medications/weird stuff.

What To Do If Someone ODs on Effexor

Here’s what you need to do if someone around you takes too many Effexor tablets:

  • It’s an emergency; call 911 immediately.

The faster they can reach emergency medical services or dependingon your location Poison Control Center which would also handle toxic/substance-related emergencies in additionhospital admission could be required.

Remember: Time Is Everything

Getting immediate help can mean the difference between life and death!

Your job here isn’t trying anything fancy like inducing co-vomit etc unless instructed by medics.

Stay nearby and offer support.

Keep Calm And Collect Information

Information that could prove extremely useful at this moment include:

1 Name of Medicine: Drug names may get confusing even under normal circumstances so try finding pill bottles/shippers laying around indicating dosage timings/brand name etc.

2 Amount Of Substance: Note down how many pills were consumed and whether they were baby aspirins or oxycontin!

3 When Was The Drug Taken? The timing/duration of the pills whether consumed together or across time frame since last taken would help too.

4 Identity Of Patient: Hell yeah we gotta at least know their name/age/gender!

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Don’t let it come to an overdose in the first place. It is important to maintain a healthy mental state by adopting lifestyle habits that promote wellness.

Here are some tips on how you can reduce your risk of developing serious mental illnesses:

Practice Self-Care

Take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, regular exercise sessions/meditation etc.

Know Your Triggers

Recognize situations, events or feelings that trigger negative thoughts/depressed moods/suicidal tendencies.

This might take support from professional therapists/data tracking journals/reliable friends.Joining online communities with similar issues could provide adequate support while medication management should be discussed with licensed practitioners.

Communicate Clearly With Medical Professionals

If you’re slated for therapy always keep your medic abreast with any changes new side effects/new stressors/life-changing milestones.


So there you have it – answering “Can You OD on Effexor?” was no easy task! While it’s technically possible to overdose VA once again reminds all users not hesitate when seeking medical attention if they suspect someone has overdone dosage.

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