Can you mix clorox and epsom salt?

Are you getting ready for a thorough cleaning of your house? Do you wonder if it is possible to mix the queen of household disinfectants, Clorox bleach, with the king of laxatives, Epsom salt? Well then, get on board because we are about to explore this potentially disastrous combination! Buckle up!

What Is Clorox Bleach?

Clorox bleach contains sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) which is an active ingredient that kills bacteria and viruses by breaking down their cell walls. It has been used as a disinfectant for years due to its effectiveness at destroying harmful germs.

What Is Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), on the other hand, acts as a natural laxative when ingested. However, it also has some topical uses such as muscle relaxers and relieving soreness.

Fun Fact:

Epsum salt was first discovered in 1618 in Epsom town in England thanks to Henry Wicker who noticed his cattle being drawn towards well water not fit for drinking.

Why Would Anyone Want To Mix Them Together???

As strange as it might seem there could be someone out there wanting to combine these two from different worlds but without proper research or knowledge they could end up creating something dangerous. Before we dive into whether it’s safe or unsafe let me tell you what one should do before jumping into any chemical reaction: RESEARCH! That being said…

Are They Safe To Use Together???

The short answer: NO! The long answer: please don’t try this at home(most definitely!). Mixing bleach with epsom can injure animals/humans severecly- either through skin contact, ingestion(so lethal!)for example/ inhalation(when mixed together gives off poisonous fumes that could cause death within minutes due to chemical reactions!).

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Mix Bleach with Epsom salt:

  • [x] Combining bleach and epsom might lead to the emission of toxic chloramine gas which can ruin your clothes, damage electronics, or even worse kill anyone in close proximity (Dangerous AF!).
  • [ ] When mixed with organic matter, hypochlorite ions (found in bleach) undergo another reaction producing chlorine gas. This could jeopardize not only one’s health but also damages the environment (Not cool at all) as it contributes massively towards ozone depletion.
  • [x] Mixing Clorox with any substance that contains ammonia such as cleaning solutions quickly produces fumes that are incredibly harmful when breathed in. Trust me; you don’t want to be around this cocktail!
  • Always avoid mixing household chemicals. The aftermath is usually disastrous!

What Happens If You Inhale Chlorine Gas?

Inhaling chlorine gas even at low percentages could cause severe respiratory issues such as difficulty breathing, chest pain/coughing etc., and more importantly long term exposure would impact lung permeability hence leading to chronic bronchitis/asthma.

Symptoms Of Chlorine Gas Inhalation

Wondering what happens if someone inhales this lethal-laden hooch? These symptoms may include:

  • Burning Sensation in the Eyes/Nose
  • Coughing/A Sneezing Fit
  • Chest Pain/Breathing Difficulties
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Wheeziness

So How Do I Get Rid of Germs Around My House/The Office?

Let me take a moment to pat myself on the back for asking this vital question!

With people becoming increasingly hygiene-conscious amidst a pandemic(it shall end soon), there has been an upsurge in disinfectant use across all areas from homes to offices. Here are some handy ways to help you clean your place without necessarily putting harm on yourself:

  1. Use Vinegar solution: vinegar has been known to be an excellent natural alternative and disinfectant via its acetic acid concentration.
  2. Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide; That’s right, folks! This compound could serve as a safer more gentle enough replacement for bleach/clorox mixtures.
  3. Try out a solution of Silver Solution: this homegrown product is relatively new in the market but still ranks high due to its antimicrobial properties.

Fun fact:

Did you know that vinegar has been used as cleaning for centuries?


In conclusion, Clorox and Epsom Salt should never ever be combined not even for experimental purposes since it poses life-threatening risks towards both humans/animals/the planet at large. Sometimes trying out something new sounds fun but safety first always- It’s better saving lives than taking them due to one ill-informed scientific experiment. Stay safe y’all!

So now we’ve come full circle around our topic about mixing Clorox with Epsom salt…remember don’t do it unless you want radioactive man’s glove-carrying chemicals(the Hulk) on your hands literally(Lol).

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