Can you get rid of hepatitis c?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver. It can cause both acute and chronic infections, with chronic infections being more severe and potentially leading to liver damage. While it may seem daunting, getting rid of hepatitis C is possible through various treatment options available – but we’ll get to that later (don’t worry). In this article, we will delve into what hepatitis C is, how it spreads, symptoms associated with the disease and most importantly (duh!)– how to get rid of it.

What Exactly Is Hepatitis C?

As aforementioned, (Didn’t I just say that?) hepatitis c is a virus that causes inflammation in your liver. This can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. There are generally two versions of the virus: Acute and Chronic.

Acute Virus

An acute version only lasts for six months or less – And thankfully 25% of people able clear the virus from their bodies without medical intervention.. However If these unlucky few don’t beat the virus on their own then they develop… drumroll please….CHRONIC HEPATITIS!

Chronic Virus

The chronic variant (Not as anticipated)is much worse than its counterpart; it doesn’t Go! At times remains dormant within an individual body or at other times never leaves which could possibly result in cirrhosis ,liver cancer & organ failure L which leads one down a path no one wants so steer CLEAR!

How It Spreads

This malady isn’t discriminatory; meaning anyone could contract it irrespective age nor sex orientation .Common ways include sharing needles ;getting unsterilized tattoos /piercings ;drug abuse by children during pregnancy ;even birth ! But fret not (not hard though)However while contact sports do happen sometimes exchanging blood inadvertently poses potential risk as well, but we hope you aren’t a lover of fight club.

Common Symptoms

Often times hepatitis C tends to remain asymptomatic for many years. However some people who have contracted the virus still may experience symptoms right after contracting it:

  • Excessive fatigue
  • Joint pain persisting for more than a few days
  • Fever and chills
  • Dark urine or stool (not good)
    Sometimes what seems like general malaise could turn out to be chronic hepatitis (scary,huh?)

How Do You Get Diagnosed?

If any of these listed situations as aforementioned sounds familiar, it’s wise to get tested. Screening tests are done through serologic testing with blood sampling required.

Blood Testing

A perfect way via blood test is checking if someone has ever been exposed HCV .It provides an indication in health status especially among high-risk populations such as IV drug users.Perhaps this may interest you knowing that even baby boomers should think about getting checked up given the time between exposure and when people start manifesting detectable signs .

Liver Function Test

Liver function tests helps detect inflammation , damage or scarring within liver which can hint at hepatitis C however there are certain cases where liver dysfunction not necessarily linked to disease implying other underlying issues.Several factors are put into consideration such specific level changes noticeable by enzyme levels within organs.

Treatment Options Available

Thankfully there exist options available for those suffering from HCV!

Antiviral Medication

Antiviral medication presents most effective treatment option present,inhibits virus multiplication;successful removal indicates “cure”.With upcoming advanced technologies around pharmaceutical sector new treatments becoming readily accessible each day !

Direct Acting Agents(DAA’s)

The ones referred as DAAs since their made available roughly mid-upcoming twenties drugs popular choice among healthcare providers primarily due low side effects recorded.- Someone would take these medications under a doctor’s guidance for a period usually ranging from about 12 to 24 weeks.

Liver Transplantation

for those whose livers have become irreparably damaged may be required to undergo liver transplantation in severe cases where unsalvageable hepatic injury takes place ;It’s not the sole course of action as recently additional medication administered,right after transplant takes places has shown positive results preventing possible reoccurrence HCV ((Fingers crossed)).

Care Required After Treatment

Successful treatment & cure dooes not equal immunity obviously potential exists contracting future strains;Endeavors are channeled towards safe living,having protected intercourse .Moderation is advocated(cutting down on drugs and alcoholic drinks )& alternate forms other than injection method when it comes administering medicine .

Go For Frequent Checkups/Screening

Most importantly, remember to continuously go for screenings ensuring your health remains optimal. Vaccinations available with preventive endeavor proving most effective method yet.Catchy slogans don’t lead life but try asking yourself “isn’t prevention better than cure?”-We did say we aren’t that guy right?

## Conclusion

While Hepatitis C disease can get quite worrying ,it’s definitely curable ;one only needs look at options laid out before them,& getting guidance (correct direction)with all variables taken into account .Prevention also plays key role bringing complications to minimum keep tabs on personal hygiene things like this should minimally lessen panic.Maybe there would even come time someday ^(Can only hope though) for a world without any transmittance caused by virus.

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