Can you file for disability for mental illness?

If you’re thinking of filing for disability because mental illness is impacting your life, stick around! The answer might surprise you. We’ve put together an informative guide on this important topic.

What Is Mental Illness?

Let’s start with the basics. Mental illness is a broad term that covers everything from anxiety and depression to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It’s a condition that affects your emotional, cognitive or behavioral state, it can affect your day-to-day activities such as sleeping pattern or socializing with people.

Mental illnesses are quite common; in fact, more than 43 million Americans suffer from mental illness each year – that’s more people than there were zombies in World War Z.

Despite its prevalence, however, mental illness can still be stigmatized and misunderstood. That’s why knowing whether you can file for disability due to it is essential.

Can You File For Disability Due To A Mental Health Condition?

Yes! However, applying isn’t as simple as picking out your favorite pair of sneakers at Foot Locker (just kidding). Filing a successful application will depend on several factors such as the severity of the condition, the level of impairment related to daily activities caused by symptoms among others; which need to meet certain criteria put in place by Social Security Administration (SSA).

So while individuals with physical disabilities seemingly have an easier time qualifying for benefits than those dealing with depression/anxiety etc., if they fulfill their criterion stipulated according to specific conditions related statistics over time regarding past cases.

To apply correctly without any trouble then keep reading below:

Steps To Determine Eligibility

1) First off: get diagnosed thoroughly by a licensed medical professional(a psychiatrist/ psychologist). This diagnosis has to be current (typically within two years), but older diagnoses may serve as support depending on individual circumstances.
2) Make sure all treatment attempts are well documented such as individual, family or group therapy sessions, medications prescribed and any kind of medical documentation that may highlight your symptoms. It’s important for details to be present in the records so that they are easier to understand.
3) If you’re unemployed due to mental illness then apply freely because 9/10 times chronic depression/anxiety is a tremendous obstacle trying to find work opportunities or maintain focus on work-related tasks.
4) Gather information about how long every episode lasts (for instance how many hours/day), what brings them on/what triggers which could help establish disability-status along with treatments tried previously.
5) Apply while simultaneously working towards creating an independent medical evidence(IME): this means you should know your limits and steer clear/take a break when things become too much as it can also document more proof of needed treatment.

Common Mental Disorders Eligible For Disability Benefits

There are various types of mental disorders out there but not all necessarily qualify for disability benefits. Here are some common ones which do get assistance:

1) Schizophrenia
2) Anxiety/Panic disorder
3) Bipolar disorder(manic depressive)
4 )Obsessive-compulsive-disorder(OCD)
5 )Major Depressive Disorder(MDD)

Up next we will list criteria gathered by SSA according to specific conditions:

### Metting Criteria Stipulated By Social Security Administration

The following criteria must be met without exception for an applicant/patient affected by their respective condition below:


  • There must be delusions/hallucinations/deterioration in cognition/frankly disorganized speech causing complete social impairment/severe impairments interfering with usual daily functions(frequently hospitalized).

Bipolar Disorder (Manic-depressive):

  • First step involves establishing a pattern disrupting multiple areas including personal life/work(cycles come back after six weeks).
  • The Individual has difficulty socializing except during certain phases; Marked attitudinal issues/episodes with hyperactivity/sleeplessness/risk-taking behavior frequently.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

  • Evidence established of durational disruptions from recurrent, severe obsessive-cumpuslive/provoked thoughts that led to certain behaviors/actions repetitively done causing daily functions to fail.

Anxiety/Panic Disorder:

  • Has already experienced multiple panic attacks/severe restlessness or episodes reminiscent in presentation.
    -Markedly altered lifestyle choices such as avoiding people/places/things which hold high likelihood(75%) of bringing on an episode.

What Benefits Are Available For Mental Illness?

If one applies and is accepted there many benefits they would get depending upon their condition:

1) SSI(Supplemental Security Income)- current situations where the person does not have enough work credits under previous work experience for another assistance application(gets $784/month).
2) SSDI( Social Security Disability Insurance)- In case the individual has past relevant history(FICA-verified 10-year work period)$1439/month which comes around same time as retirement/social security
3) Medicaid/Medicare-instant access without enrolment costs after being approved; limited coverage(Medicsre)differentiates based on state residency.


So there you have it – a comprehensive guide on filing disability for mental illness (I am pretty OCD about my writing so do excuse any errors). Applying can be challenging process but consulting legal help may make things clearer/efficient/cost effective(if stuck or unsure). Remember though your health should always come first–the pursuit of money might mistakenly seem to be more important, but overworking yourself could worsen symptoms significantly resulting in unexpected consequences later down the line.

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