Can you crack a rib in your back?

If you’re feeling a sharp pain in your mid to upper back, you may be wondering if it’s possible that you cracked a rib. Although it can happen, there are many other factors that could be causing your discomfort. Here, we’ll dive into what causes cracked ribs and how to differentiate this from other medical issues.

What is a cracked rib?

Basically, when someone says they have ‘cracked’ or ‘broken’ a rib, it means the same thing – the bone has been damaged. However, whether it’s classified as ‘cracked’ or ‘broken’, depends on how severe the injury actually is.

So what exactly happens during an injury like this?

When bones break (or get cracks), the tissues around can become inflamed and swollen which leads to intense pain and difficulty moving properly (which let’s face it doesn’t lead to much more than awkward shuffling about).

Causes of cracking/breaking ribs

As mentioned earlier, there are several things that can cause ribs to crack or break – most commonly sport activities where contact with helmets/pads occurs such as American football (“Gentlemen! Gather forth upon yonder gridiron for fisticuffs”- nobody actually talks like this right…right?) Additionally another cause might be coughing too much over time due chronically conditions such as asthma or bronchitis (avoid sprinting while suffering these conditions guys).

But just because cutting down trees with one finger didn’t make the list does not mean avoiding them altogether will decrease any chance of accidently breaking/cracking some little nuggets close by.

Symptoms associated with injuries

Symptoms may vary depending on severity of damage caused:
– Mild: Minor bruising/soreness in area / swelling; Some difficulty breathing especially deep breaths.
– Moderate: Painful sensation regularly felt surrounding injured area; Inability to bend or twist in particular areas due to aforementioned pain.
– Severe: Constant painful sensation that seems unrelenting; Difficulty breathing (not like the 15 mins after you run up a flight of stairs).


First, if severe pain strikes, please visit your doctor immediately foe correct diagnosis. Your medical history is important in this scenario so it might be worth noting down on a scrap piece of paper other issues which may lead towards any additional injuries such as heart disease and then conveniently place in back pocket until next check up.

Doctor’s Examination

Diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays (usually recommended) can also pinpoint location(s) damaged. Although not always used every time , with higher intensity injuries, MRIs may be suggested by your doctor for better accuracy plus the definition will look great on any future resumes, character references etc.


Treatment varies from person to person depending on severity of their ‘cracks’/‘breaks’.

Home Care Treatments:

For mild cases here are some tips that should help ease symptoms overtime;
1. Rest plenty – Including sufficient sleep during night hours(maybe keep no-doze in pocket handy)
2. Ice Pack therapy – Aim for 10 minute max limit when applying these bad boys directly onto area where injury feels most intense but definitely don’t use if more closer than a skiing distance
3. Pain Control Medications – Over-the-counter meds like acetaminophen or ibuprofen would be applicable
Remember do follow mainly recommendations from doctor’s advisory

Medical intervention treatments:

For moderate situations/more severe ones…
If necessary stronger pain relief medication prescriptions including things like codeine might get prescribed subject to fluctuations of personal reports – alongside common heat pad massages / hydrotherapy treatment etc..
(Definitely ask about receiving whip-lash inducing deep tissue massages ;))

Nonetheless… In exceptionally rare scenarios, serious fractures may require a surgical procedure to pin the bone back into place or brace for stabilization.

Don’t be afraid to speak up

Being vocal about how you’re feeling made easy with said symptoms in paragraph above, also if something doesn’t feel right that too is worth noting sharing with your doctor’s advising team who will explain best steps moving forward.

In summary – key points:

  • A cracked/broken rib can happen via contact sports (locker room talk not valid reasoning).
  • Symptoms following an injury include pain upon deep breathing/exhaling alongsid/inability move comfortably other parts of body
  • Imaging tests are often used during diagnosis; both future MRI aspirations and X-ray consultations could arise.
  • Rest alongside possible light medication commonly works well for fragile occurrences whereas more severe cases may call for hot spas / immovable braces put in place as well as intensive massages 😉

So remember folks: If ever feeling uncomfortable down the Middle Back Avenue, this article serves as good preliminary source to minimize stress (alongside another 47 tabs opened).

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