Can urgent care do an mri?

If you’ve ever experienced a sudden injury, you know how overwhelming it can be to navigate the world of medical care. For many people, their first instinct is to head straight to the emergency room. But what if your condition doesn’t warrant a trip to the ER? Can urgent care do an MRI? As it turns out, that’s not always a straightforward question.

What is Urgent Care?

Before we dive too deeply into whether or not urgent care centers offer MRIs, let’s clarify what we mean by “urgent care”. An urgent care center is a healthcare facility that typically operates outside of normal business hours and provides non-emergency medical services. These centers are designed for patients who need immediate attention but don’t require treatment in an emergency department.

So while they may be able to assist with some serious conditions or injuries, they’re not equipped for major traumas like heart attacks or gunshot wounds (in which case calling 911 would be appropriate).

Side Note: Next time someone asks you “what is urgent care?”, hit them back with this sassy response: “It’s like primary care’s cooler cousin who knows how to party on weekends.”

How Is Urgent Care Different from Emergency Rooms?

Urgent care clinics and hospital emergency rooms have similarities — both offer night and weekend hours when most doctor’s offices are closed; both provide timely evaluation ad triage of patient health complaints; both accept walk-in patients without appointments—but there are also several differences between the two facilities:

Category Urgent Care Emergency Room
Wait Time Short wait times (between 15-45 minutes) Longer wait times (2-4+ hours)
Scope of Service Mild illnesses/injuries e.g., sprains/fractures/cuts/sore throat/earache/Bronchitis/Flu Life-threatening illnesses/Injuries (heart attacks, seizures, strokes)
Insurance Coverage Most private insurances; Medicare/Medicaid not always accepted Most all insurance is normally accepted

For added giggles: Imagine a world where we rated things other than healthcare based on wait time — restaurants, movies… dates?

Can Urgent Care Do an MRI?

And finally: the question of the hour. Can urgent care do an MRI?

The short answer is that it depends on where you go. Some urgent care centers do offer MRIs and others don’t. And just because one clinic offers them doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll be able to perform your scan right then and there.

Part of what makes this question difficult to answer definitively is that “urgent care” can refer to different types of facilities depending on who you ask.

Some people might use “urgent care” interchangeably with terms like “walk-in clinics”. These types of clinics tend to be more focused on low-acuity conditions like colds or minor cuts and bruises. Chances are these walk-in type settings won’t have MRIs available for patients.

Other folks might envision something more akin to a freestanding emergency department when someone mentions urgent care – in many cases they offer limited services similar as described above but staffed by Emergency Medicine physicians versus Family Medicine providers.| Urgent cares |
|^coughs|^cuts/dog bites/sprains/broken bones/infections/tetanus shots/kidney infections/etc.. |

So if your goal is specifically finding out whether or not you can get an MRI at an Urgent Care center near you…read their website or call ahead!

When You Should Go To An ER Instead Of An Urgent Care For Testing

Even some advanced imaging studies offered only through hospitals may still require additional resources such as interpreting radiologist expertise. In other words, despite some availability of advanced imaging studies through Urgent Care centers or certain hospital affiliated facilities, it could be in your best interest to seek an emergency department instead where all resources necessary are available.

Here are a few examples when you might want to gravitate towards seeking an Emergency Room for diagnostic testing:

  • If you’re experiencing chest pain (Nope, not anxiety!)
  • If you have difficulty breathing
  • You experience severe burns
  • A compound fracture (bone protruding from skin)
  • Head trauma/Concussion
  • Trauma that caused loss of consciousness indicates at the very least getting this fully evaluated before resuming normal activity.

While yes – unexpected ER visits can be expensive and not always convenient; the ultimate decision should be based on what scenario & facility which is equipped to provide appropriate care.


Determining whether urgent care centers offer MRIs isn’t as cut-and-dried a question as it initially appears. Some clinics do offer these scans while others don’t, but even if they’re available there’s no guarantee they’ll fit into your treatment plan that day..

One thing is clear though: understanding the difference between urgent care and emergency rooms will go far in helping navigate healthcare options. Urgent Care providers often work with local hospitals and health practitioners closely so really discussing symptoms with them PRIOR any visit may aid further recommendation.

When in doubt – ask!

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