Can too much vitamin c cause cold sores?

Are you a fan of oranges, grapefruits, kiwis or any other citrus fruits? Well, if yes then congratulations! You are getting enough vitamin C in your diet which means you’re on the road to good health. But hang on; have you been experiencing some cold sores lately? And now wondering whether too much intake of vitamin C is associated with this phenomenon? Relax and grab a cup of tea because we will dive into everything you need to know about vitamin C and cold sores!

What Are Cold Sores?

First things first; let’s start with the basics! Cold sores are small blisters that appear mostly around the mouth area but can also be found inside your nose. They usually last for 7-10 days before they completely heal leaving crusty scabs behind (Don’t worry; it’s completely normal!). These pesky little fellows resemble nothing more than targeted opportunities for embarrassment when they pop up just before your big night out or date.

Causes Of Cold Sores

When caught early, medications such as acyclovir may cure them (remember: “an ounce of prevention saves nine pellets from an orbital laser”), however having an immune system under attack by stress or illness could exacerbate existing issues causing not only herpes simplex outbreaks but shingles lesions too! Moreover,other factors like hormone changes, sun exposure etc can also trigger these blistering pests.

What Is Vitamin C And Why Do We Need It?

Now that we’ve got our brief history lesson over and done with let’s take a closer look at our friend here–Vitamin C. Simply put”vitamin c is an essential nutrient that helps keep us healthy since it cannot be synthesized within human body.” It works as powerful antioxidant agent, reducing free radical damages caused due to oxidative stressors thereby speeding up healing process.

How Much Vitamin C Is Too Much?

While it’s true that vitamin C is essential for good health, we have to be mindful of how much we take. Taking more than 2000 mg/day can lead to bloating, diarrhea etc in some people(we don’t recommend trying this at home!). Some reports suggest high-dose Vitamin C supplements(E.g., ‘’ Emergen-C’) could increase the risk of contracting infections with exposure; however these need more research before being taken as evidence[6]. To break down your dietary consumption: Women over 18 should consume around 75mg and Men over 18 about 90mg recommended daily dose for adults.

Role Of Vitamin C In Cold Sores

To sum up ,VitaminCoffers numerous benefits including but not limited to skin improvments,strengthening our immune system while also protecting ourselves from harmful neutralizing effects free radicals.Recommendedsupplmentdoses willnot cause a resurgencein the outbreals of existing common condition like cold-sores.Donot worry inhaling an extra cutrus fruit once in awhilewon’t tbe what putsusover th edge whenit comes tocoldsoe outbreaks.Besides,you already have enough worries in your life-you do not needcoldsores on top of everything else.

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