Can scabies come from dogs?

Ah, dogs! Our beloved four-legged friends who we adore more than anything in this world except for maybe pizza. They’re loyal, bring us joy and are always there when we need them. But as much as we want to believe that they’re perfect beings, the truth is that they too have some flaws. And one of those is scabies.

What is Scabies?

Don’t worry; it’s nothing serious (except for the itching), but it can be easily passed from dog to human if you don’t take proper precautions. Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei var canis which burrow into your dog’s or your skin causing severe itching and irritation (imagine being hugged by a cactus wearing wool sweater).

How Do Humans Get Infected With Dog Scabies?

The answer is pretty simple: direct contact with an infected dog or another human who has been infected through their canine friend (it’s like playing hot potato but instead of potatoes it’s itchiness). The mites survive on dogs’ fur coats for up to 72 hours before attempting to find new hosts such as humans nearby (so if you thought sharing close proximity with your furry friend was safe now might be time to think again).

Humans can also get scabbies from infested furniture or linens which come in contact with an infected person’s skin (This just proves how sneaky these pests could be; couch jumping has never felt so dangerous!).

Signs and Symptoms

Before you start panicking about every itch, rash or hair follicle out of place know that symptomatic signs would not appear until after two-three weeks post-exposure.
Pimple-like rashes
Intense Itching especially during night-time (bedtime stories will never feel ‘soothing’ again)
Blisters on fingers or toes (your feet would no longer be your friends)

How Can You Prevent Dog-to-Human Scabies?

Now that you know how transferable scabies can be- thanks to our furry friends – the next obvious question would be ‘how’

Avoid skin contact with infected dogs.

If someone else’s dog is infested, avoid snuggling up to it until they receive proper treatment from a vet. This includes petting sitting and certainly NO hugging (you can always choose bowling as an alternate activity).

Wash yours/his/her clothes frequently using hot water

Mites cannot survive in high temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular washing will help eliminate all contaminated clothing (time to show off your laundry skills at its best).

What Should One Do If Infected?

You could get medical attention if scratching leaves open wounds of flareup complications such as impetigo infection due to bacteria. However, human scabies is treatable merely; book an appointment with a dermatologist for diagnosis and possible prescription options like Skin creams (5% permethrin or benzyl benzoate), oral medication (ivermectin).
Keep in mind upon exposure not everyone shows symptoms automatically.


To answer the question “Can Scabbies Come From Dogs?” – yes! But that doesn’t mean we love them any less because now you are armed with this knowledge share it with other people so they too can control these tiny beasts appropriately (spread the word not the mite). Maintain excellent hygiene practices around your dog plus his environment and lastly seek professional guidance should scabbing begins to manifest concern.

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