Can reflux make you feel dizzy?

Reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), can make you feel like the world is spinning. That’s right; reflux could be the sneaky culprit behind your dizziness – and that’s not just a passing feeling!

If you’re someone who experiences reflux symptoms regularly, such as heartburn or regurgitation, it’s important always to speak with your doctor about any other potential side effects of GERD. Here are some possible reasons why you may be experiencing dizziness alongside GERD:

The Inner Ear Connection

Located just beyond our eardrums lies a labyrinthine structure responsible for helping us maintain balance – our inner ear. It turns out that certain forms of acid reflux can affect this organ, leading to temporary dizziness in some people.

When these specific sensations involve vertigo or lightheadedness rather than actual dizzy spells, they might occur due to reflexes involving communication between the stomach and ears via each individual’s nervous system.

The reason for that?

“The esophagus [the tube connecting the mouth and stomach] lies next in proximity to both ears,” explains Dr. James Dillard from Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.”

Apply em”Even minor amounts of movement in this area by one element (such as small amounts of acid)could specifically stimulate neurons involved with motion perception,” Dr.Dillard says

Bottom line? If an increased level of acidity changes the way signals firebetween nerves within our body when we have GERD, sensitive individuals might experience occasional feelings of wooziness linked specifically with their condition.

Labyrinthitis And Repeated Acid Exposure

While Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease will directly lead mainly positional non-specific inner ear disorder it still exposes those suffering from persistent chronic episodes of raw-flying acids especially bile , which could eventually irritate the inner ear, causing Labyrinths irritations.

In inflammation of the labyrinth known as Labyrinthitis, a patient may experience vertigo or dizziness that sticks around and persists long after reflux symptoms have gone away. Likewise, repeated exposure to stomach acid could cause lingering effects.

The Vagus Nerve Connection

The Vagus Nerve is responsible for sending signals between the brain and specific organs in our body – including the digestive tract. Acid reflux can easily interfere with this critical nerve’s function. When it happens, some people might feel dizzy spells alongside their typical signs of GERD – It’s not like we keep a symptom checklist handy!

Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University Medical College experimented on pigs to trace how digestive fluids can affect blood flow through arteries normally thought disassociated from GI issues (example: Carotid arteries).

They discovered that when levels of digestive fluid were present within either animal’s esophagus, its nearby carotid artery narrowed down by almost 60%. Harvard Health Publishing further notes that although these pig study results aren’t evidence enough yet to definitively prove direct causation humans but they do highlight how even minor changes along signal pathways through our body can make a significant difference over time.


So what should you do if Reflux is making you feel dizzy?

Firstly don’t panic! Take a breath and visit your doctor immediately; they are best equipped with knowledge needed to explain clearly why you’re having an episode in addition perhaps prescribing treatments available suitable for both physical aspects combined.

That said here are some things everyone should keep in mind:

Medications management

Have been prescribed medicine specifically geared towards keeping stomach acid levels precisely where they need be? Great! Use them strictly according to prescription instructions & regimen breakdowns so maximum benefits uncurled which will positively impact your metabolic system too!!

Lifestyle change

Hate changing eating habits? You’re going have to start now!! Some eating habits are bound to disturb your digestive tract & stability, like consuming greasy and spicy foods. This could lead to Acid Reflux flare-ups, especially those related dizziness.


In conclusion, acid reflux CAN make you feel dizzy (and we can see why!). Hopefully, this article has helped shed light on some possible reasons why people might experience wooziness or lightheadedness alongside GERD symptoms – hopefully making it clear when its best to lay them bare before an experienced medical practitioner accurately answers us rather than relying merely upon web searches due to inexplicable anxiety!

Remember: always consult a doctor if you’re experiencing any unusual feelings or side effects from gastro-oesophageal reflux disease!

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