Can prednisone make you high?

Prednisone is a steroid medication that is often prescribed to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system. It can be prescribed for various conditions, including allergies, asthma, arthritis, and lupus. However, there have been rumors swirling around that prednisone can make you high. Is there any truth behind these claims? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Prednisone?

Before we dive into whether or not prednisone can get you high, it’s essential to understand what it is and how it works. Essentially, prednisone mimics the effects of cortisol in the body – a hormone naturally produced by our adrenal glands. Cortisol plays an important role in regulating our metabolism and immune response when we’re under stress or fighting infection.

When taken in therapeutic doses as directed by a healthcare provider, prednisone can help relieve symptoms of inflammation by reducing swelling and decreasing immune activity temporarily. For example:

  • Reducing allergic reactions such as hives
  • Alleviating respiratory problems like shortness of breath from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Decreasing joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis

However,there are potential side effects to watch out for.

Common Side Effects

Short-term use of this medication typically doesn’t lead to serious complications. However,long-term usage may cause some adverse side-effects including but not limited to:

Weight Gain

This drug treatment frequently causes weight gain since this medicine makes us crave salty foods more than normal while decreasing salt excretion from the kidneys resulting expansion & retention of fluid in tissues which translates into increased flabbiness overall also know as moon face syndrome due to excess deposition of fat on soft facial skin areas including cheeks & eyes making one looks round like “moon”.

Mood Changes

Long term (and even some short-term) treatments with Prednisone can lead to significant mood changes. This medication can trigger feelings of anxiety, irritability or depression.


Prolonged use of this drug can also cause insomnia as the hormone cortisol which causes stress and hence sleeplessness is secreted in high amounts by it.


Prednisone usage at a higher dose over an extended period of time has been associated with cataract formation, particularly nuclear opacities or ‘multiple cortical spokes.’

Can Prednisone Make You High?

Now onto what you came for — The million dollar question: Can prednisone make you high? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Prednisone doesn’t contain any psychoactive compounds – so while it may have some side effects like those mentioned above, getting high isn’t one of them.

However, sometimes people might refer to feeling “high” because they experience increased energy levels after taking prednisone due to its stimulant-like effect on our metabolism.The correct term would be “euphoria”.

But if you are searching for a feel-good experience from using this medication then sorry not sorry friend ,it simply cannot fulfill your desire:-)


There’s no doubt that prednisone is a powerful medication that can provide relief for many different medical conditions. However,it should only be used under close supervision by a qualified healthcare professional since prolonged usage without monitoring and precautions could lead to several negative outcomes as discussed earlier including potentially serious adverse health effects such as diabetes (increased blood sugar), weakened bones(osteopenia/Osteoporosis) etc.

So while there’s no chance that prednisolone will get you stoned, its side effects are nothing to joke about.Joining hands with your doctor will help prevent these unfortunate occurrences thus givinga sigh of relief knowing we’re always-on guard against any potential dangers.

Stay safe everyone!

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