Can ovarian cysts make you lose weight?

So, you have been trying to lose weight with no success. You have exercised for hours, followed a strict diet, and even tried some magic pills but nothing seems to work. Don’t worry; we have all been there!

But what if I told you that your ovarian cysts could be the culprit behind your stalled weight loss journey? Yes, you heard that right! Today we will discuss how ovarian cysts can make you lose weight.

What are Ovarian Cysts?

Before discussing this topic in detail let’s first understand what ovarian cysts are. In simple words,ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sac-like structures that develop inside or on the surface of ovaries.

There are various types of ovarian cysts, such as follicle cysts (which occur when the menstrual cycle doesn’t take place normally), corpus luteum cyst (which occurs after ovulation), and dermoid/teratoma (rare type which contains human tissue like nails). Most of these grow until they rupture or cause pain or discomfort.

How Do Ovarian Cysts Affect Your Body?

Ovarian Cysts can impact your body in multiple ways.Some hormonal changes may vary depending upon the size and complexity of particular types of ovarian masses.Many women experience symptoms such as bloating and abdominal & pelvic pain which often results due to growth density.Most common factors linked with:

  • Lower abdomen pain
    • Irregular periods[1]
    • Bloating
    • Pain during Sex

Now comes an aspect where it might become interesting…

The Connection Between Ovarian Cysts And Weight Loss

Let’s start by understanding one thing – not all women with an ovarian mass will gain weight.However,some unfortunate souls do face difficult times regarding their health. If proper estrogen hormone balance is missing,i.’e more production of androgens or male hormones occurs during such time your body might see changes linked with unexplained weight loss.

The rapid shedding of ovarian cysts can lead to an increase in metabolism that affects the overall balance of one’s health, which no doubt leads to dramatic weight reduction.due to these hormonal fluctuations caused by excess levels Androgens & Estrogen hormone imbalance make it difficult for patients to maintain a healthy body mass index.

What Are Some Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts That May Lead To Weight Loss?

Various symptoms may be associated with ovarian cysts that can result in unintentional weight loss.Some people also experience subtle discomfort from pelvic area which along with other symptom will further increase possibilities..Some examples include:

  • A decrease in appetite
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue

Those signs should not be ignored as they could indicate vast trouble ahead/or present conditions on hand.For instance,digestional problems often interfere with optimal nutrient intake.Gaining weight/gaining lean mass upon better nutrition is necessary for proper organ functioning,and if something like poor gut microbe disturbs it then this would raise some issues

When Should One Suspect Ovarian Cysts And Its Role In Unintentional Weight Losses?

If you are experiencing any unusual and prolonged physical changes, including but not limited to sudden fluctuation of your bodily trendline (despite thinking the right steps towards holistic health),should get analyzed.Acute instances,painful sensations without any pre-planned onset, bloating at intestinal level become all evident factors pointing out the chance you have PCOS.

It’s always best not only listening but supportive professional care.The longer you missed getting treatment,the less likely there will be opportunities left for enabling alternate effective solutions.


To sum up today’s article – ovarian cysts have many different symptoms including pain,bloating,elevated hormonal activity etcetera.Decreased appetite may lead to malnourishment which can then result in scarcity of nutrient elements needed for various parts of the human body.

Let’s finish off by reminding ourselves that PCOS requires a swift response and treatment from your closest medical professional. Similarly, don’t hesitate to consult nutritional experts who provide accurate solutions on this topic like balancing hormones etcetera with right nutrition regimes.Last but not least,the subject is challenging at times but never lose hope.Lifestyle modifications according to personal liking along with positive support always help changing life for the better.

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