Can nettle tea cause headaches?

Are you someone who loves trying out new herbal teas? Do you find yourself gravitating towards natural remedies for various ailments? Well, nettle tea is one such popular beverage that has been gaining popularity in recent times. But can it give you a headache? We’re here to spill the tea on this question.

What is Nettle Tea?

Before we jump into discussing whether or not nettle tea can cause headaches, let’s first understand what it really is. Nettle tea is a type of herbal infusion made using the leaves and stems of stinging nettles – yep, those prickly plants that are often found lurking around gardens and parks.

Despite their initial sting, once cooked or dried, these nettles lose their potential harmful effects and can be used for a variety of purposes. The taste profile of nettle tea varies depending on its preparation method but generally a light floral aftertaste with an earthy tone comes from boiling 1-2 cups water over fresh/dried leaves or stem.

Adding sweetener like honey enhances sweetness and makes it further pleasant to drink; otherwise expect mild bitterness similar today green leaf vegetable blends.

Nutritional Value

Apart from its unique taste profile which some people may swear by,nettle tea also boasts several nutritional benefits:

  • It contains high levels of vitamins A & C.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Lowers blood pressure

So does Drinking Nettle Tea Give You Headaches?

Now onto the million-dollar question! Rumours say drinking too much dihydromyricetin – present in nettle leaves – MAY lead to adverse reactions associated with alcohol consumption (i.e headaches), but there isn’t enough research as yet proving this conclusively!

In fact consuming more than medium doses may increase heartrate ( negative effect) leaving individuals in a distressed state – this can be due to caffeine. But remember, it is also found in coffee and chocolate!

So unless if you have an allergy or previously know that drinking certain herbal drinks like chamomile cause migraines for you, there’s no real reason to suspect that nettle tea will automatically give you headaches

How Does Nettle Tea Really Work?

Nettle tea benefits among most other types of teas include pain relief, reducing inflammation/symptoms of allergies ( hay fever) and fighting off infections via the high concentration of minerals/vitamins it brings into your diet!

It doesn’t actually contain any amounts worthy of note caffeine; thus impacting on sleep schedules or stimulating cognitive brain function.

Nor does it sooth underlying ailments leading to related discomfort like regular medicinal interventions.

So really the only potential side effect attributable MAYBE as explained earlier on whether large consumption levels harmfully affect individuals tolerant limit without including the sweetener but frankly such effects aren’t well documented.

What are The Benefits Of Drinking Nettle Tea?

You’ll most likely experience several health benefits by consuming nettle tea including:

  1. Helps with menstrual cramps
  2. Reduces bloating when drank after meals
  3. Boosts immunity system
  4. Treats arthritis

Overall though, many people consider nettle tea as being very gentle and minimizing possible negative outcomes from more “robust” brews so we say sip away !

Top tip: Add honey & lemon juice…

Combined with sugar-rich traditional offerings from hot beverages stores, try making variations which don’t compromise immune systems during colder days/night!. Also practicing timings!!

Ingredient Quantity
Dried nettle leaves 1-2 cups worth
Honey As preferred
Lemon Juice/Slices if preferred A few drops

The Verdict? No Need To Worry About Netttle Tea Causing Headaches

In a nutshell, nettle tea doesn’t cause headaches. At least not for the majority of people consuming moderate levels! In fact drinking this herbal blend is considered beneficial to one’s overall health when consumed within reasonable limits.

Unless already suffering from intolerance or another allergic reaction, individuals can consume it in medium doses with no worry over adverse effects except unwarranted frequency/weird allergic combinations.


As with everything in life, moderation is key; thus may require being careful about prolonged consumption at higher amounts due to cardiovascular/vitamin insufficiency risks.

So instead of worrying yourself into a headache thinking about whether or not nettle tea might give you one think more positively: It’s time to relax and enjoy a cup or two ( maybe even three) as long as tolerable!

This drink doesn’t have any caffeine like stimulant effect, so you can kick back & enjoy its amazingly sweet characteristics minus that paranoid mindset some of us commonly go through!

Another pint?

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