Can nerve damage caused by pernicious anemia be reversed?

Have you ever had that feeling where your nerves are tickling and not in a good way? Well, imagine having that feeling all the time because of pernicious anemia. Pernicious what?! Yep, I said it – pernicious anemia– sounds like something out of Harry Potter, doesn’t it? But nope. It’s actually a real medical condition that affects the neurological system.

What is pernicious anemia?

Pernicious anemia refers to a severe deficiency in vitamin B12 which causes changes in the red blood cells’ structure leading them to be unable to carry enough oxygen throughout your body. In simple terms – there isn’t enough oxygen getting around.

And why does this matter so much? Because without enough Vitamin B12, nerve cells could weaken over time become damaged beyond repair if not addressed immediately cue ominous music. Don’t worry though; most people can regain their health with proper treatment.


So how do you know if you have pernicious anaemia? Here are some key symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Numbness or tingling sensation especially in your fingers and toes (and other places too but we won’t get into that)
  • Difficulty walking/ lack of coordination (aka developing two left feet)
  • Pale skin colour
  • Loss of appetite
    The list goes on but basically use these as guidelines when diagnosing yourself (kidding, leave diagnosis up to healthcare professionals).

If you experience any combination or worsening of these symptoms contact your healthcare provider!

How does Pernicious Anemia cause Nerve Damage?

As mentioned earlier pernicious anaemia leads to nerve damage as Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy nerves. A deficiency disrupts methylation which helps produce myelin sheath necessary for proper neural function. Consequently, anemia and neuropathy become common companions in pernicious anaemia causing pain and discomfort as neurons get damaged.

Can nerve damage caused by Pernicious Anemia be reversed?

Now for the big question! Is it all doom and gloom or is there hope? Well, the answer lies in how quickly treatment commences because, unfortunately, if left untreated for a long time- such as several years – nerve damage can be permanent – insert scary music again. But don’t fret (yet); your horse still has some life left saddle up.

When caught early on though treating with vitamin B12 supplements can help reverse symptoms of associated nerve damage before it becomes irreversible (cue sirens).

However,treatment needs to continue throughout life so that levels don’t drop beyond recommended guidelines again which could pose further risks to health.

One study found that once you’ve received adequate Vitamin B12 supplementation through injections within 3 months of symptom onset progression halted in around 75% of people tested leaving improved QoL (quality of life) effects too!

My advice? Get testing done ASAP If you suspect any signs/symptoms occur however minor they may seem: why wait until things go pear-shaped when addressing earlier rather than later mean better health outcomes overall!

Other Complications

If not diagnosed early enough other complications may develop including but not limited to:

  • Atrophic gastritis
  • Mood disturbances like depression,
  • Dizziness
    Sudden memory lapses due forgetfulness paired alongside difficulty concentrating.
    Diagnosis is key here; catch pernicious anaemia before severe neurological issues arise!!

So what now?

In summary: Yes — nerve damage caused by pernicious anemia can be reversed if caught sufficiently early enough AND continuing treatment continues at intervals throughout one’s lifetime ensuring adequate levels are maintained.

PLUS remember diagnosis precedes everything; seek medical attention immediately upon noticing the onset of any possible symptoms!

Now excuse me while I go steal some B12 tablets from my granny (just kidding).

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