Can melatonin keep you awake?

Are you tired of not being able to fall asleep? Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night long, counting sheep until the sun comes up? Well, fear not my friends because I have a solution for you – melatonin. But wait, can’t melatonin keep you awake too? Let’s dive into that question in this informative and humorous article.

What is Melatonin?

First things first, let’s talk about what exactly melatonin is. Melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces in the pineal gland. It regulates your sleep-wake cycle by controlling when your body feels sleepy or alert.

It does this by reacting to light exposure – it gets dark outside and your brain releases more melatonin which makes you feel sleepy; bright light suppresses its secretion making us feel more awake [1]. So if everything is working as normal with our bodies natural supply of this important hormone why might we want to supplement external sources of it?

Can Melatonin Make You Sleepy?

Yes! And actually quite effectively…usually melatnin supplements work very well for short term use, perhaps less than 4 weeks at most as during longer periods there may be tolerance build up.[2]

As mentioned earlier above one reason people take supplemental-melantonin (over their bodies natural production)is because they typically struggle to make enough themselves- such as those medically diagnosed with insomnia or who regularly change time zones disrupting their sleep patterns [3].

Some people don’t produce enough endogenous – produced from within the organism – so supplementing it externally helps them regulate their sleep schedules [2], allowing them get much needed rest.

So..Can Melotonin Really Keep Me Awake Too??

The answer here isn’t especially clear cut I’m afraid! Though some studies point towards positive effects on patients suffering from restless leg syndrome improving symptoms associated with difficulty getting to sleep [2], it is also true that melatonin could keep you awake if taken at the wrong times.

Firstly, timing:-melatonin supplements like many things have an optimal time to be consumed with roughly 30-60 minutes pre bedtime considered the norm. However, if taken too early in the day or even in late afternoon /early evening close to bedtime this can actually make a person feel more alert and theoretically fall asleep later being known as hyper melatonergic phase (basically it confuses your body altering its natural production of melatonin)[4].

Secondly, dosage: Melatonin sensitivity varies from person-to-person thus again receiving medical advice on how much and when might work best for individuals needs discussion as doses are never one-size fits all!

Lastly, those already taking insomnia or anxiety medications should speak their health care providers before adding supplemental melantonin into their routine as interactions between these drugs easily occur leading to potentially dangerous consequences [5].

How Much Melatonin Should I Take?

We know by now that supplementing melotonin has potential benefits but just take care not go overboard simply more isn’t necessarily better here! Dosages range typically range anywhere between 0.3mg – however some companies sell up to 10 mg depending on specific use cases requiring increased levels such as sighted night workers.[1] It truly is dependent upon what works best for each individuals’ unique body chemistry or sleep difficulty severity discussed expert guidance so play around sensibly till you hit your sweet spot!.

Are There Any Side Effects To Be Aware Of?

As with pretty much anything we introduce into our bodies there may always be possible reactions/side-effects happen no matter how minimal they appear- regardless someone considering taking any drug or supplement should speak with a doctor first about their current state of health:

Some common reported side effects of melotonin supplementation can include:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Headaches
  3. Nausea
  4. Sleepiness during the day

Again, this is by no means an exhaustive list- always best to check in with a professional! But generally speaking melatonin supplements are considered ‘low risk’ which make it feel like a go-to for home remedies.

So… Can Melatonin Keep You Awake?

The short answer here is yes; usually if taken at the wrong time of day such as earlier than recommended or too late making one more alert!

That being said, as we discussed earlier -timing and dosage adjustments can be made that work perfectly well for others sleep while improving both quality and quantity!. When considering taking any new medicine or supplement please do remember getting expert consultation before starting your adventure into trying something new!

[1] National Institute of Health (NIH) “Melatonin: In Depth”. Accessed 18 August 2021.
[2] Mayo Clinic “Melantonin Side Effects.” Accessed 19 August 2021.
[3] Forbes “A Comprehensive Guide To Safe Use Of Melantonin As A Sleeping Aid” published Aprill 2019 states “For shift workers who have altered circadian systems because they’re working long nights instead of sleeping through them, timing will depend on their individual everyone does in response to exogenous meletonin may differ”, etc.
[4] Good Therapy website “When To Take Melatonine Supplements” accessed August 23rd ,Reviewed by Kelly Coker Collins,LPC Privacy Policy ©2020 –
All Rights Reserved.| It still hasn’t quite been decided whether it’s advisable let people switch the times they take supps basically stating not filling prescriptions without medical advice first!

However some research indicates even lower doses – less than .5mgs Day could have positive effects too if someone both had trouble drifting off to sleep and /or having staying asleep long term ,in such cases it might useful to discuss supplementing with a professional- see ‘‘Sleep” study published Wiley & sons journal page 1 Jan.2017 “3mg’s +/- low doses work great on elderly..Studies involving those over age 55 have found that low dosages (0.3 mg or less) may be adequate for promoting restful sleep in certain individuals…”
[5] Medical News Today “Is It Safe To Take Melatonin With Alcohol? accessed August 23rd,2021

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