Can lipomas be treated without surgery?

Lipomas are deposits of fat cells that accumulate just below the skin’s surface, forming a lump or bump. While they’re usually not harmful to our health in any way and don’t cause pain, people may wish to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. In this article, we explore non-surgical options for treating lipomas.

What are Lipomas?

Before jumping into treatment strategies, let’s take some time to learn more about lipomas themselves. Lipoma, which comes from the Greek word “lipos,” meaning fat, is a benign tumor consisting of adipose tissue (fat) cells.

How do Lipomas form?

Lipoma tumors develop when a single fat cell divides and multiplies rapidly within adjacent tissues [1]. Over time it can grow larger while maintaining its circular shape beneath the skin which eventually leads us to see or feel it as a tiny bump.

Other things you should know

While most commonly found on torso areas like shoulders, necks backs etc., they can also be found on arms and legs – places where there is fatty tissue underneath your skin. They’re generally soft to touch (so no knocking them with hammers!), painless unless pressed against something hard enough/too frequently; more often than not when pressed lips won’t bulge out either so all swellings aren’t necessarily bad news!

Options for Treating Without Surgery

Some individuals do not want to pay high costs associated with surgical procedures (who does?) nor undergo downtime after invasive lipoma removal operations. Luckily for such persons being marked by randomness in nature but sensitive towards expenditure there exist several ways through which one can successfully treat them without going under knife-

Corticosteroid injections

At times corticosteroids could help reduce size of lumps as they contain chemicals capable of breaking down fats responsible for causing these bumps. Injections are given directly at the site of lipoma to make sure it concentrates as deeply as possible within tumour itself thus showing good response time.


Liposuction is an option for individuals with multiple small-sized lumps clustered closely together. This process involves surgical vacuuming out of fat cells around affected area. Although there may be localized discomfort experienced during and shortly after procedure but pain should subside reasonably quickly without posing any further complications like swelling redness blisters or bleeding etc., giving you a flat surface in no time!

Steroid cream application & massage

A cheaper yet effective way can come by applying steroid cream on bumps likely soothing inner tissues surrounded by it, eventually minimize their sizes so they don’t stand out much against skin surface anymore; we have also reported remarkable improvement that could occur from massaging said corticosteroids into lump regions while performing soft massages alongside which helps distribute injected chemical throughout bump speedily enough w/o leaving excess behind.


There’s absolutely nothing more satisfying than finding yourself uncomfortable daily after noticing an unethical bulge protruding your flesh waiting for someone else to notice them too making things uneasy and awkward for everyone involved…but hey! We’ve got some great news for you- lipomas can usually be treated easily through non-invasive approaches outlined above! So why not try one of these methods today? Who knows what wonders non-surgical solutions might bring forth when approaching treatments otherwise requiring surgery… keep that surgeon away if possible 😉


[1] Leibovich BC, Sleich JM (2003). “The primary care physician’s approach to common benign skin tumors”. Prim Care Clin Office Pract 30 (2): 319–32. doi:10.1016/S0095-4543(02)00089-X PMID 12825680

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